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Back massage for pregnant women: the pros procedure and its contraindications

During the period of carrying the baby, the body of every woman is subjected to increased load and stress. This may include muscle cramps, swelling as well as lower back pain. To correct the situation, apply back massage for pregnant women. However, the procedure is not permitted in all cases. In order not to harm herself and the child, the expectant mother needs to consult with a doctor. Making independent decisions is unacceptable.

Back massage for pregnant women helps to relieve back pain and relieve muscle tension, increase blood circulation and calm the nervous system. But during the procedure, you need to consider the emotional state of a woman.

Unlike the standard procedure, back massage for pregnant women has a number of features. For example, sharp and strong pressing is prohibited, the impact on the abdomen is excluded. In most cases, soft touches are used which stimulates blood circulation and relieve stasis. The choice of posture depends on the preferences of the future mother. She must take a position in which she is feeling comfortable.

Contraindications for back massage during pregnancy

Conducting lower back pregnancy massage can only be possible with the permission of a doctor. In this case, the specialist should take into account the existing contraindications. Among them are:

During conducting the massage, the possible risks should be minimized. Otherwise, instead of benefit, the woman will receive a negative reaction of the body. This applies to any type of massage, whether it is the impact on back, legs, neck, collar zone.

Lower back massage in pregnancy should be excluded during early pregnancy. Otherwise, a miscarriage can be provoked. In the second and third trimester, you can impact on problem areas, however, this should be performed by a specialist. A professional knows how to achieve an effect without putting strong pressure on the skin and muscles.

Another point is the use of oils for back massage during pregnancy. Any component can cause an allergic reaction, so they should be chosen with caution.

Rules for conducting the lower back massage for pregnant women

Knowing how to do back massage for pregnant women, you can achieve a positive effect in several sessions. But at the same time, you need to take into account the rules so as not to aggravate the problem. It is important to observe the following requirements:

  1. A back massage during pregnancy in the first trimester is unacceptable.
  2. Essential oils should be used with caution.
  3. Sessions should be limited (1-2 times a week for no more than half an hour).
  4. The treating physician can only decide if it is possible for pregnant women to do back massage. 
  5. A specialist should act on the problem areas.
  6. Only manual massage is allowed without the use of belts, vibration mats.

As for essential oils, not everyone is useful for expectant mothers. Those that include lavender, wormwood, mint or sage are not recommended. Oils based on orange or geranium will help to eliminate swelling. When choosing, it is better to consult with a specialist. He knows whether a back massage for pregnant women is allowed and which oils to use. Popular compositions based on extracts of rosewood, carrots, ginger.