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Buccal facial massage: the benefits of the procedure and the self- execution technique

Buccal facial massage is a unique procedure that has revolutionized the classic concepts of rejuvenation technologies. It was developed by the Parisian beautician Joelle Siocco and quickly became in demand. The method can be called proof that a facelift can still be effective without serious interventions ("beauty" injections or surgical intervention). Practice proves that this technique gives excellent results: it ensures the return of tone to the face muscles, promotes weight loss, and performs a dermis lifting.

Features of the technique for performing buccal facial massage

Buccal facial massage is a special sculptural technique. All movements are aimed at activating the work of muscle fibers. In fact, face training is carried out independently or with the help of a massage therapist and metabolic processes are activated.

Similar to a sculptor, a competent specialist creates the best forms but the final result is always determined by the skill of the massage therapist. An important feature is that the procedure is performed intraorally, that is, through the oral cavity. This is how it is possible to work out the muscles as much as possible. When performing buccal therapy, the massage therapist will work out on both the skin and mucous membranes.

Positive effects are created by actively rubbing with pressure. This allows you to create blood flow to the zone of exposure. The technique is useful for everyone, in particular, such a procedure, is recommended for women over 35 years old who wish to look young and have a firm skin.

Honey facial massage will help to improve the result. To complete it, no training is required. It is enough to get acquainted with the technology and act. Regular procedures allow achieving amazing results.

Correct execution technique

Visually, the technique of performing buccal massage does not look very beautiful and even causes confusion. The specialist performs a simultaneous massage of the mucous membrane and skin. In this way, the inner side of the cheeks, lips and gums are being worked out.

First, the technique of delicate and soft punching is used. Initially, balls and other seals are felt. The reason for this is muscle tension. It is hypertension that leads to the fact that we are purse our lips, and they, in turn, become paler and thinner and lose volume. High-quality working out restores a skin tone, firmness and elasticity.

What results can you expect after a course of buccal facial massage?

The course of buccal facial massage includes 10-15 sessions no more than 1 time per week. The duration of one procedure is 20-25 minutes. Even one buccal massage session will be beneficial. It will help to relax the mimic wrinkles, improve the quality of the epidermis, and start modeling the face. Noticeable results appear after two or three sessions.

The whole course will lead to the following positive changes:

Also, this procedure has a general beneficial effect on the body due to the effect on acupuncture points which serve as projections of internal organs.

A head massage with salt can be a pleasant and useful addition. It improves blood circulation, exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis, promotes faster hair growth, and its implementation at home is available to everyone.

Contraindications for implementation

Contraindications include:

The price of a buccal facial massage is reasonable, and the results are colossal. It is important to trust qualified specialists who will help you "sculpt" the ideal face shape. And for a better understanding of what happens next, how exactly the specialist will do the massage, you can watch the video about the procedure.