Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

What is facial chiromassage

Facial chiromassage is a procedure performed by applying a Spanish technique: a manual method is used to affect the lymphatic and circulatory systems, as well as the facial muscles. Such a technique was developed by Spanish massage therapist Enrique Garcia. The importance of the procedure lies in the fact that it affects not only the body but also the psycho-emotional state of a person. Chiromassage helps alleviate hyperkeratosis and sometimes even cures the disease.

Facial chiromassage: main types

Facial chiromassage is a technique that involves active influence on the skin in order to strengthen it and harmonize its general condition. The peculiarity of this massage lies in the fact that the specialist uses not only the palms and fingers but also the forearms when performing it.

Considering what facial chiromassage is, it is worth paying attention to the technique used to influence such body systems:

The main types of this massage performed in our salon include the following:

High-quality and professional facial chiromassage in Kyiv can be performed in our cosmetology beauty center, where each client will get the desired effect from the procedure.

Spanish facial chiromassage: main indications and contraindications

Facial chiromassage has been used in cosmetology for a long time as it has many positive effects – helps improve blood circulation, flush out dangerous toxins, relieve swelling, and saturate cells with oxygen. Doctors highlight the following indications for this procedure:

If a patient has no contraindications, it is recommended to undergo 10-15 sessions of the procedure.

The direct contraindications to the procedure include:

With such symptoms, chiromassage is not performed, as the patient is expected to fully recover. Only in this case, chiromassage will have a positive effect not just on the facial skin but also on the neck and body as a whole.