Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Facial lifting massage preserves beauty for many years

To maintain elasticity and a radiant appearance, the face area, like the body, requires physical exertion - there are more than 50 muscles, each of which needs stimulation. The muscular framework is responsible for the relief and contour of the face, and prevents the formation of the first wrinkles.

To maintain the tone of muscle fibers, it is necessary to include targeted massage techniques in the complex of regular procedures.

Face lifting massage is an effective technique aimed at working out the facial muscles, preserving the youth and beauty of the skin.

Pecularities of face lifting massage

The essence of the procedure is to intensively work out the subcutaneous tissue and facial muscles. Due to this, blood circulation, lymph outflow improves, muscle tissues become toned, stagnant fluid is removed, body fat decreases, collagen and elastin synthesis is activated.

The face lifting massage has the effect of a circular lifting, but without surgery. During the session, individual areas and points are stimulated, as in an acupressure facial massage.

Benefits of a facial lifting massage

With a regular facial lift procedure, the appearance of the skin is significantly improved. This is due to the manipulation effect, during which the cells are completely saturated with oxygen, the pressure of the intercellular fluid returns to normal.

The rejuvenation effect becomes noticeable after 3 - 5 sessions:

  1. puffiness goes away;
  2. the contour is tightened;
  3. neutralizes dark circles under the eyes;
  4. the skin of the eyelids becomes more elastic, the look is more open;
  5. the color is aligned;
  6. metabolic products are removed from deep layers, pores are narrowed;
  7. the nasolabial folds are smoothed;
  8. the relief of the skin is leveled.

Often a face lifting massage becomes a magic wand if you need to get rid of the effects of a sleepless night before an important event.

Who is the face lifting massage indicated for?

A rejuvenating facelift is recommended for people who have:

  1. loss of elasticity, fuzzy oval;
  2. dull, grayish skin tone;
  3. double chin;
  4. mimic and deep wrinkles;
  5. severe puffiness, bags under the eyes;
  6. uneven skin, dehydration;
  7. "heavy" eyelids;
  8. drooping of the corners of the lips;
  9. loose skin in the neck, décolleté area;
  10. increased secretion of sebum.

Contraindications to face lifting massage

Before starting a face lifting massage, it is important to consult with a beautician and get acquainted with the main contraindications:

  1. violations of the integrity of the epidermis (open wounds, frostbite, burns);
  2. rashes in the stage of inflammation, suppuration;
  3. herpes in the active phase;
  4. increased hairiness;
  5. infectious and viral diseases;
  6. large moles, warts;
  7. allergic rash;
  8. close arrangement of vessels, venous network;
  9. increased body temperature;
  10. oncology.

Facial lifting massage techniques

There are face lifting massage techniques: manual and hardware. Regardless of the technique chosen, the procedure should be carried out by a professional massage therapist who knows all the subtleties of the impact.

Hardware techniques include:

  1. vibro-vacuum method of impact with attachments on separate areas: eyes, forehead and middle, lower zones of the face;
  2. vibro-vacuum + RF-therapy - the first method complements the radiofrequency effect, which heats the deep layers of the epithelium, improves blood circulation, saturates the skin with nutrients.

Manual methods include:

  1. metabolic - improves metabolism at the cellular level;
  2. Spanish - tightens the muscle frame, removes toxins and harmful substances from tissues;
  3. sculptural lifting and drainage - improves lymph flow, speeds up metabolism.

How to do face lifting massage at home?

Facial lifting massage can be done at home. It is enough to follow some expert recommendations.

  1. cleanse the skin from makeup;
  2. use a steam bath or a hot towel for better pore opening;
  3. apply an emollient (moisturizer, oil, etc.) ;
  4. face lifting massage should be performed strictly in the direction of the massage lines;
  5. start the procedure by working out the nasolabial folds - with light pressure from the wings of the nose to the ears;
  6. work out the jawline with the fingertips from the center to the auricles;
  7. then move from the corners of the lips to the temples;
  8. the cheekbones extend from the nose to the hairline;
  9. gently work the area around the eyes from the inner corner to the outer, alternating between the upper and lower eyelids;
  10. at the end, massage the neck from bottom to top in the center, then from top to bottom along the side areas;
  11. using a circular manipulation, stretch the neckline;
  12. the face lifting massage must be completed with stroking movements to relax the muscles.

Duration of the lifting massage course

The recommended duration of the lifting massage course is from 6 to 12 sessions. The duration of the session should be at least 20 minutes.

The frequency of the sessions depends on the condition of the skin. The optimal schedule is made by a cosmetologist, dermatologist, face lifting massage master.