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Hawaiian massage Lomi-Lomi

Hawaiian massage Lomi-Lomi will take you instantly to the atmosphere of a blooming island with its smooth rhythms and exotic paints. It origins from ancient Polynesian methods and is aimed at healing the whole body. Absolute relaxation is one of the most precise definitions of this massage. The procedure is carried out to achieve harmony between the human body and spirit. The professionals perform this technique. They have passed special training and have learned everything about massage techniques’ subtleties and the Hawaiian method’s deep philosophy. 

Lomi-Lomi Massage Technique

The technique of this Hawaiian massage is notable for its complexity. The masseur involves palms and pads of fingers and hands, forearms, elbows, knees, and feet. The process remotely resembles a wild dance, accompanied by the paradise island inhabitants’ traditional songs. The use of essential oils allows achieving complete relaxation and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

The procedure is carried out in strict sequence:

  1. Superficial effects on the overall body by soft, smooth movements.
  2. Deep pressure on subcutaneous tissue.
  3. Muscles and tendons’ warming.
  4. Internal projections zones’ massage.
  5. Selective inclusion of different parts of the body and joints in random order.
  6. Finishing rubbing and body stroke.

The experts recommend the first session lasting at least 3 hours. This timeframe is crucial for relaxation and refreshment. A person may have an overwhelming desire to sleep after the procedure because of the strong influence on energy. However, there is a surge of energy and an increase in efficiency after a long sleep.

Who Can Benefit from Lomi-Lomi Massage?

Lomi-Lomi massage is a universal method suitable for anyone who does not have common contraindications to massage (acute infections, oncology, injuries, or skin diseases). The procedure is especially useful in the following cases:

Customers often wonder if they can get a massage when their backs hurt. Lomi-Lomi technique is remarkable for gentle impact on the motor skills. However, any massage is contraindicated when osteochondrosis or nerve pinching worsen. Lomi-Lomi is acceptable In case of discomfort or slight pain because of the sluggish lifestyle. Still, it’s critical to tell everything to the master and let him consider the complaints in the process.

Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi Effect

It is recommended to take the course of 5-10 procedures for a stable result. Many parlors offer reasonable prices for the entire course. Main positive effects:

The massage’s positive influence is felt after just one session. The Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi technique is an excellent way to take care of yourself. It strengthens the body, promotes spiritual renewal and better knowledge of its inner self.