Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

How to attend a hammam

Most people do not know that in addition to the usual Russian or Finnish sauna, in Kyiv, you can visit the Turkish hammam with your special rituals. The service is available at the Royal Thai Spa beauty center, which is the spa spot that will give you pleasure from the event and bring maximum benefit. At the first visit, it is recommended to find out the basic rules for visiting the hammam since the procedure is unfamiliar to our culture and surprises many with its non-standard. For example, how to take steam properly in the hammam or why you need a sink there.

The Turkish bath, which promotes relaxation and tranquility, is called a hammam. This place is not just for ablution; it is customary to visit hammams for pleasant communication with friends and relatives. Here you can not only wash your body but also achieve full healing. However, before you learn to wash in a hammam properly, you need to understand how it looks. A classic hammam is characterized by several rooms in which a certain temperature is maintained. Each of the premises has its name and purpose:

In the Royal Thai SPA center, you can also try traditional wellness massage on marble benches.

Why Is There a Sink in the Hammam?

If you decide to soak your body in a Turkish bath, you should be ready to get acquainted with unusual accessories, one of which is the kurna. The wall-mounted bowl is a real work of art with an oriental touch. It is not customary to shower in the hammam in your usual way, so hot and cold water flows through the taps of this attribute. You can use this water to wash.

After the necessary preparatory procedures, it is important to take a steam in the Turkish hammam properly. First, find a secluded place for yourself in the first room to relax, take a steam bath, and then carry out peeling to remove any dirt and dead cells from the steamed skin. After that, it is time for the massage itself. At the end of the session, you can pamper your skin with a warm jacuzzi or pool. The main rule of visiting a Turkish bath is rest. Therefore, during the procedure, a person should relax as much as possible to enjoy the Turkish sauna truly.