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Is it possible to do massage for diabetes | Blog Royal Thai SPA

Diabetes is quite common in the modern world. Besides, it affects younger people these days. Diabetes’ guile is in its ability to afflict internal organs, joints, vessels, and every body system. In addition, they are the primary cause of foot disorders.

Proper treatment means not only taking medicines to normalize insulin production. It is also about specific manual procedures, which include massage. 

Massage is not only allowed but also crucial to remove painful symptoms peculiar to pancreatic diseases. Patient’s feet require special attention since they are at stake more often. The main indications for massage are the following symptoms:

Proper massage allows normalizing blood flow, lymph, removing restless legs syndrome, accelerating metabolism, and rapid tissue regrowth. 

There are some contraindications on massage:

The patent should be careful when choosing massage while having varicose veins. That’s why only the attending physician should decide whether the massage will be good for you. 

Massage Techniques for Those with Diabetes

While diagnosing diabetes, the following procedures are usually prescribed:

Procedures may be manual or imply various tools like vibration and massage mats, hydromassage equipment, etc. 

Massage in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes means skin preparation. For that purpose, it treats with talc or special oil that provides good sliding on the skin. Different types of moves are applied, including kneading and strokes. Massage should be postponed until the elimination of such contraindications as swelling, skin rasps, or ulcers.

Massage in Type 2 diabetes starts from relaxing treatments like a foot bath with sea salt or herbal remedy. Then, it’s necessary to dry feet and massage them in a patient’s seating position. This massage implies strokes, rubbing, kneading, tapping with palms, fingers, or fist, and slight smacking. 

The set of sports activities for the feet is an excellent addition to a massage for more effective care.