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Jacquet face massage - resuscitation for problem skin

Massage technique that has come to us from immemorial time (18th century) is very popular among modern beauties.

Dermatologist Leonard Jacquet perfected the Chinese technique and opened the world to the elixir of beauty and youth - Jacquet's face massage.

Jacquet face massage is a therapeutic face massage aimed at working out the deep layers of the skin, improving metabolic processes, and relieving subcutaneous inflammation. The procedure is similar in effectiveness to plastic correction.

Description of Jacquet facial massage technique

The initial purpose of Jacquet's facial massage is to improve the regeneration of the sensitive epithelium. Therapeutic facial massage due to pinch manipulations helped to improve the condition of the dermis after diseases.

Over time, the rejuvenating effect became noticeable after regular procedures.

In modern cosmetology, Jacquet's facial massage is not inferior in effectiveness to tightening and rejuvenating facial massages.

The technique of performing a therapeutic facial massage is rather complicated and requires the participation of an experienced master. The main condition of the procedure is the seizure and rhythmic pinching of skin areas. The specialist alternates between pinching (thumb and forefinger) and stroking to knead the epithelium.

The feelings during the session are not the most pleasant. Intensive working out of the deep layers of the dermis, even with the gentlest approach, causes painful discomfort. Intensive working out of the deep layers of the dermis, even with the most gentle approach, causes painful discomfort.

Deep pinch manipulations typical for Jacquet's face massage additionally push out excess sebum from the pores and normalize its secretion.

Jacquet's face massage is performed strictly in the direction of the massage lines, the slightest non-observance of the technique can lead to tissue injury and the formation of new wrinkles.

The classic therapeutic facial massage, similar to the dermoplastic facial massage, stimulates blood circulation, improves lymphatic drainage, and makes the contour more expressive.

Indications for facial massage according to Jacquet>

Jacquet's face massage has a powerful cosmetic effect - it improves the general condition of the skin, improves tone, and neutralizes painful manifestations and their sources.

It is recommended to do a therapeutic facial massage after having consultation with a dermatologist.

Indications for the procedure:

1) increased sebum secretion;

2) enlarged pores;

3) acne;

4) facial seborrhea;

5) comedones;

6) age-related pigmentation;

7) uneven skin tone;

8) milia (whiteheads);

9) hyperkeratosis (stratification of keratinized cells);

10) mimic and deep wrinkles;

11) lethargy of the skin, loss of tone;

12) teenage skin problems;

13) post-acne, scars;

14) as the final stage of mechanical cleaning;

15) the presence of areas with impaired blood circulation, congestion;

16) roughness of the epithelium;

17) swelling, lymph congestion;

18) oily and combination skin.

The benefits of Jacquet facial massage

Therapeutic facial massage is distinguished by its effectiveness:

1) minimization of fatty seborrhea due to the activation of metabolic processes in the affected areas;

2) increased tone of facial muscles that have undergone age-related changes;

3) neutralization of pigmentation, acne associated with hormonal imbalance;

4) removal of inflammation in the most sensitive areas of the skin;

5) smoothing of postoperative scars;

6) enrichment of cells with oxygen;

7) elimination of stagnant subcutaneous phenomena, accumulation of pus;

8) in combination with skin cleansing, the healing effect is improved.

Contraindications to Jacquet facial massage

Therapeutic facial massage is a type of medical procedure that, due to its intensity, has a number of contraindications:

1) purulent skin rashes;

2) infectious and viral diseases;

3) dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;

4) actively expressed rosacea;

5) neuralgia of the facial nerve in the acute stage;

6) neoplasms, warts, bulky moles;

7) hypertension;

8) acne during inflammation;

9) demodicosis;

10) recent cosmetic procedures (plastic surgery, beauty injections, etc.);

11) excessively dry skin;

12) allergic manifestations;

13) oncology;

14) increased body temperature;

15) open wounds;

16) vascular diseases (couperosis, varicose veins, etc.);

17) chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

During Jacquet's face massage, there is a risk of tissue damage, hematomas and redness. Before starting the procedure, it is important to study contraindications and consult a doctor.

Stages of facial massage by Jacquet

The technique of therapeutic facial massage includes three stages:

1) with the help of pinching, deep grabs of skin areas are carried out along with the subcutaneous layers;

2) active development of the subcutaneous muscles occurs under the influence of enhanced kneading;

3) the final stage - pressing vibration manipulations to relax muscles and improve tone.

The classic Jacquet facial massage starts with working out the neck areas. The master kneads the area: from the neckline to the chin, then to the ears, and back to the shoulder area.

Then there is a working-out of the lines from the chin with the help of pinching: from the middle of the chin to the auricles, from the corners of the mouth to the ears, then an active study of the zone of the nasolabial folds.

The next area of influence is along the lines from the wings of the nose. The master pinches the areas from the nose to the ears, massaging the area of the cheeks and cheekbones.

Massage of the eye area and eyebrow hollows. Manipulation along the line of growth of the eyebrows to the temples helps to neutralize expression and deep wrinkles.

During the massage of the upper and lower eyelids, pinch movements are categorically excluded - light vibration pressure improves blood flow, making the look easier and more open.

Jacquet's face massage provides for enhanced manipulations, similar to the movements of extruding blackheads. It is this technique that destroys all kinds of subcutaneous inflammation and prevents the formation of new ones.

Jacquet facial massage at home

Taking into account the specific technique of the procedure, it is recommended to perform a therapeutic facial massage in a massage salon. A qualified specialist knows the intricacies of the technique, how to prevent complications, undesirable consequences. It is best to trust an experienced master.

But, if there is a great desire to carry out facial massage according to Jacquet on your own, first of all you need to familiarize yourself with all kinds of contraindications and undergo specialized training.

It is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin before the procedure. After make-up remover prepare a steam bath in order to open the pores. For a steam bath, you can use herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile, celandine, motherboard, etc.), green tea; add 3 - 5 drops of essential oils (tea tree, lavender, ylang-ylang, orange, juniper, etc.).

To enhance the effect, it is better to do the steam bath, covered with a cotton towel. Afterwards, gently rub the skin.

In the process of medical massage of the face, you cannot use any oil, cream. The skin surface must be completely dry. If peeling or scrubbing is done before the start of the session, the effect will increase - the regeneration processes in the layers of the dermis will proceed much faster and more actively.

After the procedure, you need to calm and moisturize the epithelium - apply a regenerating mask, nourishing cream. After the session, heated skin and open pores actively absorb nutrients. Such a complex is in no way inferior to the full-fledged care of a beautician.

Course duration and effectiveness of Jacquet facial massage

To achieve noticeable results, sessions are recommended to be carried out 10-15 times with intervals of 2-4 days. The duration of the Jacquet facial massage is on average 15 - 20 minutes.

With regularity and a full course of procedures:

1) the manifestations of acne are minimized or completely disappear;

2) sebum secretion is normalized;

3) the skin relief will be leveled (scars, acne marks, etc. will become less noticeable);

4) the tone of the facial muscles will increase, the oval will tighten;

5) pigment spots are lightened or neutralized;

6) the skin will acquire a healthy, radiant complexion;

7) inflammatory processes are eliminated;

8) the regeneration of epithelial cells is activated;

9) oily sheen is neutralized;

10) mimic wrinkles will be smoothed out.