Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Is it allowed to do massage for a spinal hernia

Today, most people, regardless of age, suffer from intervertebral hernia which develops mainly in the lumbar spine, however, hernias of the cervical and thoracic areas can also happen. In any case, this disease negatively affects all human systems and organs. Patients often ask if it is allowed to do massage for an intervertebral hernia. Now, we will try to figure it out.

What is a spinal hernia? This is a disease which results in deformation and displacement of areas of an intervertebral disc that results in limitation of mobility and can lead to disability. The disease is most commonly manifested after complications of osteochondrosis or as a result of his advanced form.

The answer to the question if it is allowed to do massage for an intervertebral hernia, in most cases, will be positive. However, it is best to carry out massage therapy after eliminating the acute symptoms of the disease with drug treatment and physiotherapy techniques.

With a spinal hernia massage is not only desirable but necessary. This is a great opportunity to rehabilitate the body. Experienced SPA professionals of the Royal Thai Spa center will help to plunge into the enchanting atmosphere of procedures after prior consultation with the doctor and choosing a particular massage method.

Massage for a spinal hernia will help to improve blood circulation and saturate the cells and tissues of the body with useful substances. The curative procedure will be relevant for people leading a passive and sedentary lifestyle. Performing a massage for a spinal hernia in the Royal Thai Spa as a preventive measure would be advisable.

Spinal hernia massage technique

An unmistakably chosen massage technique will lead to a significant reduction in pain and relieve tension in muscles. The patient will be able to feel the effectiveness after a few sessions.

Manipulations should be performed by a trained specialist who knows exactly how to do massage for a spinal hernia. During the procedure, muscles are worked out to restore range of motion, lengthen muscle tissue and increase circulation in this area.

Most people believe that an intervertebral hernia massage will put the vertebrae in place but this is a misconception. Absolute restoration of the vertebrae is impossible if their integrity has been violated. An effective massage for a hernia in combination with spinal sprains can significantly improve the general condition of a person and reduce or even eliminate pain.

Stretching the spine leads to the formation of a slight negative pressure under the influence of which the torn link is drawn inside the intervertebral disc. As a result, the nerve endings stop squeezing, and the pain goes away.

Intervertebral hernia and massage: features of the treatment process

A back massage for a hernia that was detected immediately will require fewer sessions than an advanced form. The duration of the treatment course and the general well-being of the patient depend on these factors.

In the course of the procedure, there are some features:

A massage for a hernia should be enjoyable and not vice versa. If painful sensations arise, the procedure should be discontinued. The benefits of the massage will be visible with a properly selected treatment program.

What types of hernias massage is contraindicated for?

Is it allowed to do massage for a hernia? Certainly, however, despite the effectiveness of the procedure, in some cases massage is not recommended. The contraindications include:

During the procedure, you can not use any types of power techniques, all actions are carried out carefully and as lightly as possible.

Knowing the answer to the question is it allowed to do a back massage for a hernia after reaching a stable result, improving the overall condition of the body it is allowed to start preventive procedures offered by the Royal Thai Spa beauty center. Among them are new techniques for bringing the body back to normal condition. But you will learn in a different article about a vacuum-roller massage and how it positively affects on issues related to the musculoskeletal system.