Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Reducing stress at work: how corporate spa programs can help your team

In modern life, a person regularly experiences stress: stress at work, a fast pace of life, lack of adequate rest and sleep, lack of free time, fatigue, irritability and other negative symptoms affect psycho-emotional health. With such a rhythm of life, a person simply needs to strengthen his body and an anti-stress massage will help here. 

SPA centers offer a wide complex of services that will help you get a surge of energy, strength and inner peace after the first session. Anti-stress massage helps to cope with depression and restore psychological health, especially after a difficult day. That is why, SPA party programs have become so popular recently, as they suppose simultaneous procedures for small companies. Corporate SPA programs will help you to get maximum pleasure and recover after a busy day. To order a service, you should contact the administrator of the SPA center, who will also be happy to advise you what to take to the SPA.

What does Thai massage anti-stress mean

Anti-stress massage is a session of physiotherapeutic treatment that helps to eliminate chronic fatigue, emotional and psychosomatic disorders. With the help of the procedure you can get real relaxation. Anti-stress massage helps to increase psychological resistance to acute and chronic stress, improve mental health and overall well-being. Thanks to proper massaging of body areas, natural self-regulation processes are launched:

Anti-stress massage will help to prevent the development of chronic diseases. On the salon’s website you can find out how works an anti-stress massage; description for each procedure is given.

Anti-stress massage, technique of which has a healing effect on the skin, will help the skin to be young and elastic. Representatives of the stronger sex should especially pay attention to the procedure, since in the process of massaging different body parts, the male hormone testosterone is produced. In addition, the procedure helps to increase physical activity and performance.

During the session, an experienced massage therapist influences the body in different ways, using:

So, anti-stress massage is a set of healing techniques aimed at strengthening, restoring and maintaining the body.

Thai anti-stress massage: features of the procedure 

Thai massage anti-stress does not have any special differences or requirements, unlike other types of procedures. The main condition is the client’s absolute comfort during the session. The beauty center offers cozy and comfortably furnished rooms where the procedures are held. After each session, the premises are ventilated. The massage therapist performs the massage in the absence of drafts, in moderate lighting and with calm, relaxing music.

SPA anti-stress massage in beauty center is performed with smooth, soft movements, without unnecessary sharp pressure, pinching or tapping. A feature of the procedure is the gradually increasing depth of elaboration. The first sessions are less intense. Perhaps, anti-stress massage in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine is the most popular today, and this is mainly related to the active lifestyle.

A SPA program anti-stress at the Royal Thai Spa beauty salon is associated with unobtrusive massage, wraps and various fragrant oils. Each visitor can please themselves and order a massage to relieve stress or buy a gift certificate for a loved one for any service. You can learn more about the procedures on the salon’s website yourself or consult with the salon administrator.

Stress and massage affect muscle tension differently. Massage helps to improve immunity, while stressful situations reduce it. Therefore, if you need to restore the energy metabolism, strengthen the nervous system, relieve anxiety and improve sleep, you should contact a SPA salon and order a massage for stress at an attractive price.

Massage and stress: indications and contraindications 

Despite all the benefits of anti-stress massage, it also has a certain number of contraindications. Thus, massage relieves stress and is indicated for emotional burnout, fatigue, apathy, irritability and anxiety. However, if you are not sure that there are no contraindications, it is best to consult with a specialist before performing it.

Due to its positive effect, massage during stress may not be beneficial if you have the following conditions and illnesses:

In other cases, you can perform an anti-stress massage even daily and receive an unforgettable dose of pleasure and relaxation. A noticeable improvement in well-being will occur after just a few sessions. Come for a Thai anti-stress massage for face and other areas of the body and you will always look rested and feel good. Be healthy!