In many Asian countries, the Tea Ceremony is an extremely important ritual, aimed to gain peace in mind and balance, as well as to get aesthetic pleasure. It is built on details, each one is highly important: a winning selection of teas, proper brewing, expertise in the ceremony, and even a soundtrack of music.
According to Thai tradition, ideal tea for tea ceremony is mixture of dried ground ginger, turmeric, honey and lemon. Thais believe that properly brewed black tea has an intense, bright dark orange color along with a pleasant taste minus extra bitterness or acidity. During the ceremony, a bath of tea is constantly being brewed. It is known that Thai tea strengthens the overall health, provides regenerating and calming effect - thanks to the vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids it contains. In our salon, you will be offered the most preferred Thai tea, such as green tea with mint and lemon.
The Tea Ceremony is an unforgettable ritual that will bring much aesthetic pleasure. It is impossible to forget the tea leaves and flowers revolve slowly in a transparent teapot before your eyes, while infusing
It is almost a meditation, during which routine affairs will be forgotten, and a world of harmony and tranquility will be enjoyed.