Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Traditional Balinese massage: what is it?

Balinese massage is a unique SPA procedure aimed at deep body relaxation and recovery. Many clients of beauty salons ask: what is a traditional Balinese massage, and what are its features? The technique is characterized by a deep impact on the musculoskeletal system and is based on ancient Balinese massage techniques. It combines acupressure and a whole range of different actions. In the process, the person completely relaxes, so the procedure is useful not only for physical health but also for the psychological state and mood.

Balinese Massage Techniques

During the procedure, the masseurs work mainly with their palms and elbows. They use rubbing, patting, pressing, and acupuncture techniques.

In the process, subcutaneous tissue, superficial and deep muscles, tendons, bone structures are worked out. The massage helps to eliminate fluid congestion, so one can achieve a good anti-cellulite effect. Balinese traditional massage is done using natural coconut oil. Therefore, the SPA procedure also helps to care for the skin intensively, deeply nourishing and moisturizing it.

Indications and contraindications to the procedure

Balinese massage is a wellness method that is recommended when a person has:

Contraindications to this type of massage are oncological diseases, any infections in the acute period, severe diseases of the internal organs, epilepsy, and mental disorders. In these cases, a specialist will select an alternative method that will be safe for your body.

Benefits of this SPA procedure

Traditional Balinese massage technique improves muscle tone, stimulates blood circulation and tissue metabolism. It effectively eliminates pain, makes the skin tauter, improves the spine and joints mobility. Due to the effect on the active points, the work of the digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems is improved.

The method helps to eliminate frequent headaches, migraines, normalizes sleep and wakefulness. For additional aromatherapy, not only coconut oil can be used in the process, but also essential oils, which are selected individually depending on the condition and preferences of the client. The procedure is well combined with other cosmetology techniques, suitable for all ages and genders.