Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

What is vacuum roller massage

There is nothing so frustrating for each woman on the eve of the summer as cellulite. For example, many of the fair sex are facing the problem of excess weight which leads to unpleasant problems with the condition of the skin and emotional discomfort.

According to statistics, a local increase in body fat is observed mainly not in men but in women (about 90%). The main reason for this digital imbalance is the minimization of the female sex hormone (estrogen) in men.

Visually, there can be observed no "orange peel" on the skin but that does not mean that the microcirculation processes are not disrupted. As the saying goes, prepare your sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter. Indeed, often the process of preparing the external view and the fight against excess weight starts ahead of the beach season.

Lumpy skin appears on the thighs, buttocks, and even an exercise diet may not be effective. Recently, various hardware methods of massage and body shaping have become popular. Thanks to innovative developments, the dream body can be achieved with the help of professional equipment. 

Vacuum massage what is it?

A special vacuum roller massage is the best hardware method aimed at body shaping. The technique combines vacuum and roller massage in one session. Everyone knows that in the course of losing weight, it is not the malicious centimeters that decrease first of all but the chest. In order for fat deposits to go away correctly, it is necessary to resort to the selective improvement of blood circulation using a vacuum roller massage procedure.

Having a significant effect on the dermis, LPG-massages are a breakthrough in the field of cosmetology. Vacuum roller massage without surgery will allow ladies to painlessly get rid of eternal women's problems.

Vacuum roller massage principle of action

Experienced experts at Royal Thai Spa beauty center know how to do a vacuum roller massage. This method not only helps to get rid of curd skin but also helps to restore its smoothness and elasticity.

Vacuum massage what is it - a real effect or a tribute to fashion? During the vacuum massage, the tissues are saturated with oxygen which improves blood circulation. Then, with the help of a special roller nozzle, mechanical massage is carried out which allows reducing fat deposits by rolling the folds of the skin in different directions.

How does a vacuum roller massage work? Changing the high-intensity massage and smooth suggestivity on soft tissues contributes to a renewal of the dermis and improving its turgor. Also, vacuum massage can be done on the face. Stimulation of lymphatic drainage will help to quickly relieve the problems with cellulite.

Indications for LPG - massage

Everyone who wants to get a beautiful body may try a cupping massage. There are no restrictions on seasonality, age of an adult and gender. As a rule, LPG is used for body shaping as well as slagging of the body, weak blood vessels, the presence of muscle tension and other problems. In addition, the procedure will help the athletes as a relaxing exercise.

Vacuum roller massage contraindications

Despite the positive reviews and clear advantages of vacuum roller massage, the procedure also has contraindications including:

In addition, it is not allowed to conduct sessions in women during the menstrual cycle. You can often hear the question of whether it is allowed to do massage for a spinal hernia or whether it is allowed to do massage when the back pain, the LPG - massage would hurt with a morbid condition and ailments or not. You can get answers to similar questions from the consultants at the Royal Thai Spa Beauty Center who will be happy to help you sort out any situation.

After the sessions, persistent redness and even bruising may occur on the body. Specialists of the center try to avoid such phenomena but this may depend on the sensitivity of the skin and vascular permeability.

How to do vacuum massage with the hardware correctly?

The procedure that was carried out correctly contributes to excellent relaxation. Vacuum roller massage is carried out with the use of special equipment with a nozzle and vacuum cans. In the process of massaging the skin of the problem areas is sucked into the nozzle. At this time, the destruction of fatty deposits occurs the content of which is removed using the lymphatic system and pores. In vacuum procedures, regularity is important to achieve the desired result.