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What is aesthetic cosmetology

One of the problems visitors face in cosmetology clinics is using of traumatic facial skin-cleaning procedures by cosmetologists. Aesthetic cosmetology solves this deficiency. It can achieve significant results in correcting skin flaws without resorting to invasive methods.

When facing aesthetic cosmetology, not everyone knows what it means. However, it consists of a variety of successful face and body care programs, including chemical peeling, skin cleaning, cosmetic correction, and hair removal by waxing procedures. The eyebrows line decoration with the necessary shape and coloration for aesthetics is on the list. 

Knowing what aesthetic cosmetology includes, you can use effective programs to make your face and body beautiful. Moreover, the services provided under aesthetic cosmetology make facial skin improvement and small wrinkles and pigmentation removal possible. The long-term effect of rejuvenation is even stronger due to increasing microcirculation, feeding the subcutaneous layer, and cleaning pores for tissue breathing. Modern, gentle care allows clients to improve facial shapes and eliminate couperose, resulting in the appearance of the vascular nets.

In many ways, everything related to aesthetic cosmetology means medical techniques, including medicinal treatments that achieve results in short terms. It can also reduce rehabilitation after invasive procedures like thread lifts, contour plastics, or full-scale surgery.

What Does Aesthetic Cosmetology Include?

Since this direction implies a non-invasive effect on a person, the most sparing techniques are involved, including soft hand tools and procedures like facial cleaning. So, what’s non-traumatic facial scrubbing? This procedure eliminates pigmentation and irregularities of the epidermis by cleaning pores correcting excessive dryness or skin oiliness. It doesn’t come to injections or surgery.

Qualified doctors should examine and treat clients in beauty centers despite the seeming simplicity. This medicine field aims at full-fledged skincare, even without using hardware-based cures.

What does aesthetical cosmetology include? 

In addition, some methods of aesthetic cosmetology may include enzymes therapy to accelerate chemistry in the skin’s upper layers.

These procedures are very efficient. Still, their effectiveness can be significantly increased. For this purpose, using combined approaches like injectable cosmetology, mesotherapy, and bio revitalization is necessary.

Understanding aesthetic cosmetology and its meaning, we can use its modern methods. Of course, some contraindications are common to many cosmological procedures:

Since a local or general massage is often used, please ensure no contraindications in advance (for example, whether osteochondrosis allows massage).