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Face lifting massage and features of rejuvenation procedure

Youth is a treasure and every woman cherishes it. Proper care of your skin helps to maintain your beauty. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing are indispensable components of daily care rituals. The use of high-quality cosmetics, regular visits to the beautician, balanced diet help the skin to maintain its attractive appearance for a long time.

Women use cardinal cosmetology procedures to obtain an even better effect from the care procedures. But, there are effective methods that do not involve radical intervention.

Face lifting massage is an effective way to fight the first signs of aging.

Indications for face lifting massage

Face lifting massage is done to prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles. It is recommended to do regularly such procedure for:

1) women after 25 years as a prevention of early age-related skin changes;

2) women over 35: due to a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, a tightening face massage is performed to maintain the tone of the facial muscles, which are losing their elasticity;

3) women who have accelerated aging of the body along the lineage;

4) those who regularly drink alcohol and smoke;

5) those who live in hot climates and often exposed to ultraviolet radiation;

6) women who are constantly on diets, consume little fluid (dehydration leads to dryness and lethargy of the epithelium);

7) women who are often stressed and depressed.

Benefits of a tightening face massage

Tightening face massage is aimed at achieving a lifting effect.

Direct impact on skin improves blood circulation in the layers of the epidermis.

Tightening face massage has a powerful anti-age effect - the color improves, mimic wrinkles are smoothed, the oval becomes clearer.

Tightening face massage actively affects the cells of muscle fibers, tones the muscle tissue.

In addition, a tightening facial massage, similar to an acupressure facial massage, has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. During the procedure, the brain regions that are responsible for pleasure and relaxation are turned on.

Making lifting facial massage regularly has positive effect:

1) full or partial smoothing of wrinkles (depends on the degree of manifestation and depth);

2) contour improvement;

3) lessening of edema, bags under the eyes;

4) smoothing the skin surface (scars, acne marks become less noticeable);

5) improvement of appearance - after a tightening face massage, a healthy glow appears due to active blood flow, pigmentation and spider veins are neutralized;

6) normalization of cellular respiration of the epithelium;

7) strengthening of the facial muscles;

8) improving the penetration of nutrients from cosmetics;

9) elimination of toxins, cleansing of pores from sebum;

10) reduction of body fat.

In what cases is a tightening facial massage contraindicated?

Despite all the advantages of the procedure, a tightening face massage has a number of contraindications:

1) the presence of inflammatory processes on the surface of the epithelium;

2) acne, pimples, acne, dermatitis, allergic rashes;

3) viral and infectious diseases;

4) herpes in the stage of inflammation;

5) open wounds, frostbite areas, burns;

6) fresh postoperative scars, stitches;

7) hemophilia;

8) malignant neoplasms (oncology);

9) warts, visible moles, papillomas;

10) rosacea;

11) recent salon treatments.

In the case of preliminary cosmetic manipulations that intensively affect the skin surface (chemical peeling, mesotherapy, laser hair removal, etc.), it is better to postpone a tightening facial massage until the epithelium is completely restored (about 3 weeks).

The technique of carrying out a tightening face massage

Tightening face massage begins with warming up. The activation of blood circulation contributes to a better absorption of beneficial components, which are used during a tightening facial massage.

The master makes light strokes, starting from the neck area and further towards the forehead - the chin, cheeks, cheekbones are being worked out.

The main part of a face tightening massage involves working out the facial muscles along the massage lines. Manipulations are carried out gently with varying degrees of intensity: the area of the nasolabial folds - more carefully, the area around the eyes - delicately.

Tightening facial massage ends with soothing strokes, light rubbing.

Basic rules of a lifting face massage

Before you go for a face tightening massage, it is important to get acquainted with the main points:

1) read all the contraindications to a tightening face massage;

2) pre-clean the skin from decorative cosmetics;

3) follow the feelings during a tightening face massage - any painful manifestations are excluded;

4) a face tightening massage session should bring pleasure and relaxation;

5) master performs intensive manipulations easily, dynamically;

6) a firming facial massage should be done regularly to achieve noticeable results.

Tightening facial massage at home

Any type of cosmetic procedure, including a lifting facial massage, is recommended to be supervised by an experienced specialist.

But, if you desire, a lifting facial massage can be done independently at home.

Recommendations for a face tightening massage:

1) before starting the procedure, be sure to clean the skin from cosmetics with the help of makeup remover (cleansing milk, gel, micellar water, etc.);

2) a lifting facial massage is best done with the feeling of maximum relaxation. The ideal time is in the evening, before going to bed. You can light an aroma lamp, scented candles. After an aromatherapy session, the sensations of a tightening facial massage will be more pleasant;

3) you should not drink a lot of liquid the day before, this provokes the onset of edema, worsening lymph outflow;

4) a tightening face massage is performed with clean hands, ideally without long nails;

5) it is important to monitor the degree of feelings - a tightening face massage should not be painful, cause discomfort;

6) it is necessary to start the procedure by warming up the skin with the help of light stroking;

7) after the blood circulation has improved, you can move directly to the tightening face massage. To begin with, you should gently smooth the skin from the lips to the temples in the direction of the massage lines;

8) work the chin area with the fingers of both hands (from the middle of the chin to the earlobes);

9) repeatedly tapping the chin area with the back of your hand for 2 - 5 minutes, these manipulations will also help prevent the formation of a double chin;

10) the last area to manipulate is the neck. It is necessary to gently rub the skin with the back of your hand, while tilting the head to the left and right;

11) to complete the tightening face massage with soothing movements, light stroking;

12) to improve the lifting effect during the procedure, you can use special cosmetic products that increase elasticity, make the oval clear (creams for a tightening face massage, anti-age serums, anti-aging emulsions, etc.);

13) then apply a nourishing mask.

How can you improve the effectiveness of a lifting face massage?

To improve the effect of a lifting face massage, essential oils can be used as a massage agent, which have powerful antioxidant properties, including smoothing wrinkles of varying degrees of manifestation.

Rejuvenating essential oils include: rosemary, lemon, sandalwood, clary sage, rose hips, geraniums, ylang-ylang, neroli, jojoba, pomegranate seeds, lavender, etc.

The use of some of the above essential oils (lavender, ylang-ylang, sage) during a tightening facial massage gives an additional portion of relaxation.

After a face tightening massage, it is advisable to carry out gymnastics to improve the tone and elasticity of the facial muscles.

Exercise is an effective addition for a lifting facial massage

To enhance the effect of rejuvenation, it is important to complete a series of exercises at the end of the tightening facial massage:

1) use the index and middle fingers to smooth the skin in the direction from the wings of the nose to the temples;

2) go to the forehead area - continue to smooth the skin from the eyebrow line to the hair (direction - from bottom to top);

3) stroking the area from the chin to the temples with more intense manipulations;

4) tap the chin area with the back of your hand;

5) slowly press on the corners of the mouth with index fingers, slightly lifting the chin;

6 inhale and puff out your cheeks, imagine that there is a balloon in your mouth, then pump it in different directions for 3 to 4 minutes;

7) puff out your cheeks, press on them with your hands (slightly), while the air should remain in your mouth, count to 15 and exhale;

8) open your mouth, push the jaw forward, move it left and right 10 times in each direction;

9) stick out your tongue as much as possible, try to reach the chin with the tip, pronounce the letter A.

The combination of gymnastics and face lifting massage to some extent replaces the salon contour lifting procedures.

Varieties of lifting facial massage

Lifting facial massage can be carried out based on various techniques:

1) classic tightening face massage:

2) plastic;

3) Japanese Asahi;

4) Italian lifting;

5) plucked to eliminate double chin;

6) honey;

7) acupressure;

8) Russian;

9) Ayurvedic;

10) lymphatic drainage;

11) corrective;

12) vacuum.

How often should a face tightening massage be made?

After several sessions, the first results will be noticeable. To maintain a lasting effect, it is recommended to undergo at least 10 - 15 procedures. The frequency varies depending on age: from 25 to 40 years - twice a week, after 40 years - three times a week.

After the full course, it is necessary to take a break for 2 - 3 months and resume the procedures again.

During the course and during the break, it is important to use care products that promote the active production of collagen and elastin.

Separate tips to consolidate a positive result

1) maintain a healthy lifestyle, giving up alcohol, smoking and other bad habits;

2) daily walks in the open air (at least 1 hour), sports;

3) healthy sleep (6 - 9 hours), 2 hours before bedtime - turn off gadgets;

4) drink a sufficient amount of water (daily rate - 30 ml / kg of body weight);

5) balanced diet: vitamins (vegetables, fruits, individual vitamin complexes), fats (red fish, nuts, milk, flax seeds, avocados), proteins (lean meat, eggs, herbs, dairy products, legumes), healthy carbohydrates (cereals, whole grains bread, hard pasta), a minimum of fatty and salty foods, sweets, fast food;

6) use sunscreen (the cold season is no exception), avoiding direct sunlight;

7) regular cleansing of pores from sebum (peeling, scrubbing);

8) visit a beautician at least once a quarter;

9) avoid stress factors;

10) compliance with the optimal "Work - Rest" mode (at least one full day off per week);

11) obligatory cleansing of the skin before bedtime (make-up removal, toning, nutrition);

12) the use of thermal water throughout the day, especially in rooms where air conditioning and heating work;

13) wash skin with decoctions of herbs (celandine, chamomile, calendula), using herbal ice cubes for freshness;

14) contrast wash to maintain the tone and elasticity of blood vessels, a healthy blush;

15) use masks (moisturizing, nourishing, toning, restoring, etc.), they can be prepared at home from natural anti-aging ingredients (aloe, citrus pulp, blue clay, olive oil, green tea, avocado, cucumber, linseed oil, etc.) , recipes can be found on the Internet;

16) steam baths of herbal decoctions and essential oils;

17) regular medical examination, testing, etc. examination of the hormonal background (lack or excess of certain hormones can negatively affect the condition of the skin);

18) selection of care products after consultation / on the recommendation of a cosmetologist / dermatologist.