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Features of the use of lymphatic drainage massage for varicose veins

Many people know that lymphatic drainage massage for varicose veins of the legs is an excellent method for the prevention of this disease. But what to do if a person has already encountered this disease? Is it possible to carry out such a procedure at the very initial stages, or it will be hazardous to health? It is important to understand that it is better to visit a massage therapist after consulting a doctor.

What is a lymphatic drainage massage?

Is the lymphatic drainage massage of the lower limbs for varicose veins worth doing? Let's start with the fact that this manipulation helps to accelerate the movement of lymph in the whole body. Thanks to this, harmful substances are removed from the body much faster, and swelling disappears.

You can perform this type of massage for varicose veins because in addition to accelerating lymph, it helps to:

The help of this massage for varicose veins is difficult to overestimate. In addition, it contributes to the fight against other body problems.

When should you perform lymphatic drainage massage?

This procedure is prescribed by specialists for the following problems:

Before sending a person with varicose veins to lymphatic drainage massage, a special condition must be fulfilled. It claims that it is necessary to visit a doctor who will study the patient's medical history because in some cases such a massage can be harmful.

Contraindications to performing the lymphatic drainage massage

It is strictly forbidden to perform this procedure for patients who have the following problems with health:

Despite the fact that there is a benefit from lymphatic drainage massage for varicose veins of the legs, it cannot be performed in the above cases. In addition, it is not recommended to perform it during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

Considering the treatment techniques for varicose veins with the use of lymphatic drainage massage, you should pay attention to the fact that it can be manual and instrumental. The first option is the simplest one, since specialists, by performing certain movements, disperse the lymph throughout the body. Instrumental lymphatic drainage massage is divided into the following types:

Therefore, when choosing a type of lymphatic drainage massage for varicose veins, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. This is especially true for women during the period of bearing a child for whom this type of procedure is prohibited. An alternative solution would be a vacuum massage during pregnancy. It will also be effective, will help to get rid of varicose veins or reduce its manifestation, and will also help in the fight against swelling.