Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Massage for pregnant women

 In our salon we pay special attention to the massage for pregnant women as 2 guests come to this procedure at the same time: expectant mother and future client of our salon! We entrust these guests in the hands of our most experienced masters. Massage for pregnant women is carried out on a table in a position when the woman is on her side. Soft pillows help us to create the comfort for a pregnant woman. This massage uses a special technique: all movements are smooth, sliding and soft, made only by hand. Rough methods applied with force are not allowed. The main massage areas are the back, cervical-collar zone, head and arms. The abdomen during massage is not affected. During the procedure natural essential oils are used, which makes the skin soft and supple, and also leads to deep psychological relaxation. The feelings during the massage should be pleasant and give satisfaction - this is an indication that everything is done correctly. We recommend that you consult with your doctor about the possibility of a massage for pregnant women. Massage is carried out in the second - third trimester.

The effect of the procedure:

Relieves muscle tension, removes pain in the back, normalizes the emotional state, improves lymph flow and blood circulation, reduces swelling.

Procedure cost:
couples massage

30-minute procedures are not an independent service. This is an additional service to the main ones.

Pregnancy is definitely the most wonderful period in a woman's life. What could be more exciting than the feeling of a new life growing inside you? On the other hand, it is a period of real physical and emotional challenges. Expecting mother becomes more sentimental and sensitive. Physical changes make their effect from the very beginning of pregnancy.

Our Thai massage salon has worked out a special massage for expecting mothers, which will remove the discomfort associated with pregnancy. Just like traditional Thai massage, it relaxes muscles, relieves pain in the back and neck, improves blood circulation and emotional well-being, and has a sedative effect.

Thai massage for pregnant women is given with oil while the patient is lying on the side. The belly is supported by a pillow. A master`s hands movements are smooth, calm, and rhythmic. A master massages your back, shoulders, neck, and head with slightly pushing movements. The neck and back massage helps decrease the load caused by a growing belly. The legs are not involved in this massage since a foot massage is not safe for a pregnant woman.

It is better to hold off on this massage during the first trimester to ensure a normal course of pregnancy and prevent a miscarriage. A self-massage with smooth stroking will be a great choice during the first months of pregnancy. This will calm the nervous system and relax the body.


Massage benefits:

● improves lymph and blood circulation that positively influences baby development
● relaxes muscles and relieves pain syndrome in the back
● prevents limb swelling
● balances emotional well-being and provides deep psychological relaxation


● prohibition of an attending doctor
● pregnancy toxicosis
● acute respiratory diseases
● infectious diseases
● skin diseases
● cardiovascular diseases

To achieve the best result, a course of at least 5 massage sessions is required.

It may additionally include: head massage, face massage, hands SPA. These massages can be given simultaneously if needed.

frequently asked questions

From how early in pregnancy can I have a massage and are there any restrictions?

Massage for pregnant women is usually recommended after the first trimester and before the last month of pregnancy. It is important to get permission from your doctor before starting massage sessions.

How long does a massage for pregnant women last?

Massage sessions for pregnant women usually last about 60 minutes, which provides enough time for thorough and gentle work with the body.

What precautions are taken during a massage for pregnant women?

Massage therapists use gentle techniques, avoid deep pressure, and focus on the safety of the woman and the baby, and avoid massaging the abdomen.

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