Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Acupressure Face - Secrets of Rejuvenation

There are hundreds of biologically active points on the surface of the skin, the stimulation of which has a positive effect on the state of the body. Each point is responsible for the state of a certain organ, system.

Acupressure face massage has been popular for many years, even centuries. There is no surprise! Massage effectively affects on the circulatory system, providing oxygen saturation of the internal organs; activates the production of lymphocytes that increases the body's defenses.

Acupressure facial massage is an elixir of youth which combats premature skin aging, mimic wrinkles, makes the contour clear. The effect is similar to a tightening facial massage.

The benefits of acupressure face massage

1) acupressure facial massage provides extensive muscle relaxation;

2) neutralizes spasms and clamps;

3) improves blood microcirculation in the upper layers of the epidermis;

4) ensures the penetration of nutrients directly into the dermis;

5) removes toxins;

6) deeply cleanses pores;

7) normalizes sebum secretion;

8) reduces the likelihood of acne;

9) improves color;

10) tones, smoothes the skin surface, removes traces of post-acne;

11) relieves puffiness, improves lymph drainage;

12) tightens the contour;

13) stimulates tissue renewal according to the principle of myoplastic facial massage.

Contraindications to acupressure face massage

1) damage of the skin (burns, frostbite, pustules, open wounds, allergic rashes, etc.)

2) inflammation (neuritis) of the facial nerve;

3) viral, infectious diseases;

4) increased body temperature;

5) oncology (malignant formations);

6) rosacea, increased hairiness of certain areas of the skin.

Japanese acupressure face massage

Shiatsu is a Japanese technique for acupressure facial massage. The technique of manipulations restores the energy balance in the body, evenly distributes energy between the chakras and meridians (energy channels).

Japanese acupressure face massage:

1) normalizes lymph outflow;

2) normalizes blood pressure;

3) balances the endocrine system;

4) improves concentration, vision, brain activity;

5) fights migraines, increases the level of stress resistance of the body.

The history says: Shiatsu is the secret tool of Buddhist friar warriors, with the help of which they were healed of diseases and protected from enemies. Knowing the location of the acupuncture points, the warriors neutralized the enemy in one move.

Oriental beauties do shiatsu every morning and evening. Acupressure facial massage helps to maintain endless youthfulness and freshness of the skin.

Japanese masters distinguish three points, the stimulation of which has an immediate rejuvenating effect.

1) Point "Teno". Located below the earlobe. Pressing on this point causes perceptible discomfort. Teno tightens the contour, gives a beautiful glow, eliminates swelling.

2) The second point is "Koryo". Located at the intersection of the pupil line and the line of the wings of the nose. To find a point, you need to press on the indicated place with three fingers at once and determine the most painful one. Koryo tightens the cheekbones, relieves sinusitis, has a lifting effect.

3) Point "Sukkoku". Located in the cavity above the auricle at a distance of two fingers. Point stimulation improves brain activity, fills with vitality, helps get rid of anxiety, depression, migraines.

Acupressure facial massage techniques

There are techniques for acupressure facemassage:

1) Ayurvedic massage is made with the use of essential aromatic oils and natural stones;

2) Japanese massage provides for extensive muscle relaxation, removal of psycho-emotional stress;

3) Chinese massage is an ancient technique which characterized by a simultaneous effect on all parts of the face, relaxing muscle groups;

4) Thai massage effects on the whole body at once.

Technique for performing acupressure face massage

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to do acupressure massage regularly. At the very beginning, the master gently affects the skin area (20 - 30 seconds) to activate blood flow. This is followed by rotational (circular) manipulations clockwise, then counterclockwise.

The impact on each biologically active point varies within 4 - 5 seconds. Pressure should not be replaced by rubbing.

During acupressure face massage, massaging of different intensity is carried out in the vertical direction. The manipulation of the master should be like a cross between mild pain and pleasant relaxation.

The pressure is carried out only with fingertips.

The duration of the acupressure face massage is 10 - 15 minutes.

Acupressure facial massage at home

It is not recommended to do acupressure face massage on your own, but some techniques can be done as home beauty rituals.

It is better to do acupressure face massage in the evening after a hard day's work, when the whole body needs relaxation.

To maximize relaxation, add pleasant elements: calm music, scented candles, aroma lamp, dim light.

Beforehand, it is important to cleanse the skin from make-up using milk or toning lotion. Next, you need to open the pores - make a steam bath, or apply a moderately hot towel. After - apply a nourishing cream and proceed directly to the acupressure face massage.

Each point has its own purpose:

1) beginning of the eyebrow - reducing eye pressure, eliminating edema, lifting the upper eyelid;

2) eyebrow tips - smoothing of mimic wrinkles (“crow's feet”), relief of headaches;

3) inner corners of the eyes - relaxing the eyes, increasing brain activity;

4) center of the bridge of the nose - elimination of wrinkles in the forehead, even distribution of energy throughout the body;

5) corners of the lower jaw - increased tone of the epithelium, lifting the double chin;

6) the area above the upper lip - removal of edema, acceleration of lymph, relaxation of the nervous system;

7) chin dimple - normalization of appetite, improvement of blood circulation in the neck (lifting effect).

Regular acupressure facial massage will help maintain your beauty and youth for years.