Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Energy Chinese abdominal massage

The use of massage practices makes it possible to achieve a self-perception improvement, helps to prevent many diseases, and also, in some cases, allows them to be successfully treated. Various types of massage, including self-massage, are widely used in Chinese medicine; some of them may be considered very specific at first glance.

The thing is that the radical massage method practitioners reasonably believe that the correct massage exposure allows you to treat the muscles and internal organs. You can improve the face tonus (by signing up for a procedure of a myofascial massage), and gain a good body shape.

One of the most popular types of manual exposure is the Tuifu abdominal massage. This set of exercises has been known in China for a very long time. Its main feature is an intense exposure on the abdomen (if translated literally, the name of the massage technique derives from "push" word). It is made in such a way to remove from the intestine:

This massage is recommended if such symptoms are often observed:

Correctly done abdominal Chinese massage will get rid of toxins and gases, and will contribute to the normalization of blood circulation. The procedure of the abdomen massaging will also provide:

Who can’t do this abdomen massage

It should be remembered that the Chinese Tuifu abdomen massage has a number of contraindications:

The procedures are performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, on a stomach long empty. The recommended duration is at least a month with repeated completion of the full course in 3-4 weeks. The massage duration is from 30-40 minutes at the first stages, and no more than 15-20 minutes during further sessions.

In any case, before using this massaging method, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps he/she will recommend other procedures. A more gentle visceral massage, for example, can become a good alternative. It is also performed in the peritoneum area.