Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Preparing for your first spa visit

SPA procedures, wcih are popular today, are an excellent way to relax the body, improve its health and clean it. In the modern world, a person receives many negative factors from the outside, such as lack of sleep, fatigue, skin rashes, etc., which later affects overall well-being. SPA treatments with various vitamin complexes, scrubs and peelings will help you cope with such problems.

Such events can do a lot, for example, they not only allow you to gain strength, but are aimed at improving the health of the whole body. Thus, the immediately noticeable benefits of foot massage for people who walk a lot will guarantee that the SPA will have a positive effect. So, if this is your first time at the SPA and you don’t know what to take to the SPA, then the following information will be useful to you.

Getting ready: what to take to the SPA

When coming to a SPA salon for the first time, most people do not feel a sense of relaxation. And all because ignorance of the basic rules of visiting creates a feeling of awkwardness. For example, many people do not know what to take to a SPA salon (towels, slippers, some special clothes, etc.), pay for treats, and the main question is whether it is necessary to completely undress during the procedure. The following algorithm will help get rid of awkwardness:

  1. Before the visit to a beauty center, it is recommended to be confident in its reputation, so it is quite logical to find out reviews about it from regular clients, get acquainted with the website, pages on social networks, and inquire about the qualifications of the specialists.
  2. It is possible to come there at any working time of the SPA center to feel the special atmosphere and find out what you need in a SPA salon for a session. The main difference of the SPA center is the presence of calm music, burning aroma lamps, and a comfortable, relaxing interior.
  3. If you like the atmosphere, it is better to sign up for a massage in advance, at the most convenient time. After all, the procedure does not last several minutes, so it is better to set aside a day in advance for relaxation and take care of yourself slowly. The friendly administrator will tell you more specifically which procedure will help you get maximum pleasure, taking into account your wishes and what you need to take with you to the SPA salon. 
  4. Another important thing in order to avoid misunderstandings, is to clarify in advance which master is performing the sessions, because specialists can be both women and men. 

The Royal Thai SPA center is a unique paradise for the rest and relaxation. A large number of services are presented here. You can sign up for:

A SPA party, which supposes simultaneous procedures for groups of no more than 9 people is especially popular. Sessions are held in different rooms, so everyone can get maximum pleasure and recover from stressful work days; the administrator will be happy to tell you how to order the service and what to take to the SPA. You can read more about this in the article “Reducing stress at work: how can corporate SPA programs help your team.”

Comfortable stay: what you need to take to the SPA salon 

Experts recommend regularly visiting the SPA to improve your health. After all, SPA from experienced massage therapists is an excellent prevention of most diseases, both physical and mental. Many clients are concerned about the question: what to take for a massage to the salon? First of all, when going for salon treatments, take care of the most comfortable, non-restrictive clothes.

In most cases, the beauty center offers disposable clothing. It is better to know in advance what to take with you to the SPA. If the necessary information is not on the salon’s website, you can always visit it or call the administrator to clarify any information you are interested in. The administrators will kindly advise you, help you choose a procedure and sign you up for the earliest convenient time for a session.

For convenience, as a rule, not only the website of the beauty center is provided, there are also pages on social networks and popular instant messengers, but most often clients choose to call the SPA salon. What to take with you from personal hygiene items is no less actual question: milk, creams, favorite body scrubs, a swimsuit - all these details, what to take with you to the SPA, can be checked with the administrator on the phone. Call and they will gladly advise you on any question.

What do they do in the SPA salon? Here you can order a whole range of services, including:

When signing up for a procedure, it is better to immediately clarify what you need to take with you to the SPA salon. The beauty center has a unique opportunity to please your loved ones by purchasing a gift certificate for any service you choose and also specify what you need to take with you to the SPA salon for the particular session.

The importance of SPA centers is growing every day. In the conditions in which a person lives today, his body simply needs to arrange moments of relaxation and devote time to spiritual and physical recovery. Therefore, do not hesitate if you are planning to visit the SPA for the first time and do not know what to take with you to the SPA salon. Your health comes first, and our experienced administrators will be happy to tell you what you need to take with you to the SPA at your first session. Be healthy!