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Gua Sha massage technique: Chinese traditions for your health

Among the ancient practices that came from traditional Chinese medicine, it is worth highlighting the Chinese GuaSha massage. Today, this technique is in great demand among women not only in China and Thailand, as it allows them to preserve beauty and maintain youth. However, before to perform a GuaSha massage, it is important to understand how this procedure goes, what are the indications and contraindications. At the same time, in Chinese medicine they often use the aromatherapy massage: the benefits of essential oils have been known since ancient times.

GuaSha massage technique 

Quite often in practice, many people have a question about GuaSha massage: what is this system about? It is one of the most ancient practices, used for many years in the East and not only for the body, but for the face as well. To perform this procedure, the massage therapist uses a special scraper, which, with the right pressure, affects not only the epidermis, but also the internal muscles. This helps to activate all metabolic processes in the body, helps tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles and restore overall tone.

At the same time, GuaSha massage can have benefits and harm, which will depend on the correct technique performance. The procedure is especially relevant nowadays, since most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle. This affects posture, which is also reflected in the drooping of facial tissues. All parts of the face that are in a sleeping state are activated due to the acceleration of lymph and blood. Subsequently, the GuaSha massage result will be amazing.

Chinese Gua Sha massage: main indications and contraindications 

When studying the description of GuaSha massage, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this type of effect on the body has many indications and contraindications, which you should definitely be familiar with. Therapeutic GuaSha massage is recommended to perform in the following cases:

At the same time, the Chinese type of massage also has its contraindications. These include the following:

Thus, GuaSha massage is beneficial only if a person has no contraindications to this type of massage.

How to massage face with a GuaSha scraper?

Not everyone knows how to perform a GuaSha massage properly in the facial area, and that this manipulation is performed both on someone else and on oneself. Before the session, you need to get ready and divide the whole process into several stages.

  1. It is recommended to start movements from the chin. To do this, the face should be divided into several parts. The scraper must be applied to the central part of the chin and, with slight pressure, applied to the ear. To prevent the skin from stretching, you need to hold it with your hand. This manipulation should be repeated about 5-7 times.
  2. Next, you can move on to the cheek area. To do this, the wide edge of the scraper is placed at the wing of the nose. It should be applied directly to the hairline. The action should be repeated 5-7 times.
  3. At the next stage, the area around the eyes begins to be worked on. Since the skin in these areas is quite delicate, all manipulations should be carried out carefully and gently. First, the scraper is applied to the corner of the eye, after which the movements go to the temple area. Such manipulations need to be repeated approximately 3-4 times.
  4. Next, you can massage the forehead area. The GuaSha massage technique in this case lies in the fact that you need to use the wide edge of a scraper to work the forehead area from the eyebrow to the hairline

Similar manipulations need to be performed with the second part of the face. At the same time, it is equally important to understand when it is better to do a GuaSha massage: in the morning or in the evening. First of all, you should focus on the individual characteristics of each adult person body and age. How often to do a GuaSha massage is also selected individually, but it is better if the master completes the whole course in the Royal Thai Spa salon in Kyiv at least once a year. GuaSha massage technique is unique, from which you can get enormous benefits. At the same time, do not forget about the massage to improve posture: techniques and correction methods will help bring the spine to a normal state.