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What is facial skin hyperkeratosis in cosmetology

Hyperkeratosis is a pathology which refers to a significant thickening of the stratum corneum. This skin disease is quite common among women and men. It is worth noting that hyperkeratosis occurs when the skin is exposed to frequent pressure, friction, or the impacts of chemicals. The disease is also accompanied by ichthyosis, lichen, and other conditions.

Keratosis: basic types

It is important to know what type of hyperkeratosis a person has to treat the disease correctly. In terms of clinical manifestations, keratosis is represented by the following types:

In the latter case, there may also be skin growths that look very similar to warts.

What are the signs and causes of hyperkeratosis?

When considering what hyperkeratosis is, it is worth paying attention to the main signs by which it can be recognized in a person. There are common symptoms:

If we consider the main reasons for the appearance of hyperkeratosis on the face and other parts of the body, they include:

Each of the reasons listed above can provoke the development of any form of keratosis.

Hyperkeratosis: treatment and prevention

If a person is diagnosed with facial hyperkeratosis, cosmetology is not always able to solve such a problem. However, this skin condition can be treated with chiromassage. During the procedure, the master works with the lymphatic, circulatory, and nervous systems. Thus, facial chiromassage helps alleviate the course of the disease.

It is worth mentioning that hyperkeratosis should be diagnosed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Several methods are used for this:

Additionally, the doctor may order a general and biochemical blood test to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment for facial hyperkeratosis is chosen individually and only after determining the stage and form of the disease. With follicular hyperkeratosis, cosmetic care and treatment should be as gentle as possible – avoid using pumice stones and harsh scrubs. It is better to opt for emollient ointments that contain fruit and lactic acids since such products prevent cell division, have a lifting effect, and promote rapid skin regeneration. If a person is diagnosed with facial hyperkeratosis, the appropriate care procedures should be chosen by a cosmetologist, taking into account the clinical features of the patient.