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Is it possible to do a massage with osteochondrosis

What is aesthetic cosmetology? First, it is about beauty care various treatment complexes to purify and peel the skin. Using cosmetology services, one should not forget about treating more complex diseases like osteochondrosis and slipped discs.

A therapeutic massage is one of the best solutions for getting rid of this unpleasant disease. Moreover, sometimes, it is the only efficient way to achieve remission. It can be a primary method or a physical therapy add-on. 

Since osteochondrosis exhibits degenerative and dystrophic changes in the spine’s tissues, the cure must prevent the destruction and rebirth of the intervertebral discs and, consequently, the vertebrae. The improper weight distribution on the spine because of the inappropriate mattress’ stiffness hauling excessive weights in the same hand, sleeping on a high pillow are major causes of the disease. Even wearing bad shoes can provoke osteochondrosis.

Other probable causes:

Does Neck Osteochondrosis Prevent from Getting Massages?

How many massage sessions are required for neck osteochondrosis, and are they allowed? It is a burning problem for many patients. So, this treatment is possible after a thorough diagnosis. It could be an X-ray of whiplash, myelography, an MRI or CT scan, and a neurologist.

Possible contraindications

How to Massage When Having Neck Osteochondrosis?

The following actions shall be taken:

  1. Smooth muscles are rubbing by circular movements, massaging the rhombic muscle and occipital region.
  2. Active massaging of the neck area is the next step with smooth force increase in fingers or clamping tissues with palms (it is possible to apply the force of knuckles for better processing).
  3. Muscle relaxation in the working area by circular movements of palms with gradual reduction of force, rubbing with palms, and slight tapping with fingers.

Once the procedure is completed, the skin is wiped, and the neck and shoulders are covered with a heated towel. 

How to Massage When Having Thoracic Osteochondrosis?

Similar treatment with active chest exposure is given. The massage reduces pain, improves blood and lymph flow, relieves tension, removes muscle spasms, and increases the tone.

The methodology involves the following techniques:

How to Do the Massage Correctly With Osteochondrosis?

The massage is given on a massage bed or specially designed armchair when patients lie on their stomachs. It’s necessary to use special oil when massaging the neck area. The spine is intact. The session lasts up to half an hour, carefully massaging each area many times with different intensities.

A little discomfort for the patient is the sign of correct massage that will have a noticeable therapeutic effect. If you don’t press down while massaging, the patient can only count on a relaxing effect. There is no effective treatment. At the same time, the doctor may refuse the procedure if the patient feels severe pain in the back or neck. 

How Many Massage Sessions Can You Have With Osteochondrosis?

As a rule, up to 10-15 sessions are prescribed. Still, their number may depend on the disease’s degree and severity of the patient’s age. Possible contraindications should also be considered. In any case, the program is assigned individually after a thorough examination by a neurologist. At the same time, repetition of exercises and massage procedures is possible every three months.

The propriety of treatments is another critical point. For example, it is better not to self-medicate even knowing how to massage the neck with osteochondrosis. Instead, you should entrust this task to a massage therapist, regardless of which manipulations are carried out – complex physiotherapists or, for example, non-traumatic facial cleansing (face peel).

What is non-traumatic facial cleansing? It’s a careful facial, including peeling, skin masks, and proper moisturizing. Any procedure will be highly efficient if an experienced professional is involved.