Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Massage to improve posture: techniques and correction methods

For a comfortable life and good health, every person needs to monitor the body condition. It is especially important to pay attention to the condition of the back, namely posture. In everyday life, the spine is exposed to multiple loads. A constant sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, carrying heavy objects and other factors have a particularly negative effect on posture. Massage for poor posture will be the best prevention to normalize the condition if you have back problems. In Kyiv, you can visit a massage room, where experienced specialists will perform not only a relaxing, but also a useful massage for the back and improving posture. In such massage rooms, the Gua Sha massage technique: Chinese traditions for your health is actively used and will bring excellent results for your health. Such procedures are in great demand in Thailand and have now appeared in Royal Thai Spa massage salons in Ukraine.

Massage for the posture straightening: how to perform this technique correctly?

Quite often in practice the question arises about whether it is possible to correct posture with the help of massage. If the procedure is performed taking into account all the rules and using the correct technique, a positive effect will not take too long to appear, and the body will immediately respond to the impact.

Performing a massage with poor posture sets the following tasks:

All actions performed by the massage therapist are entirely aimed at the muscles and possible trigger areas that are present in the body. A master working in a massage salon knows exactly how to correctly and effectively influence certain points of the back in order to obtain a favorable result.

Straight posture massage: main features of the procedure 

Traditional massage to improve posture will be effective if you follow all the recommendations. You should not eat food before the session. It is recommended that the interval between eating and the procedure be at least 50 minutes. If necessary, you can drink a small amount of water.

To carry out a massage to improve posture, it is better to choose a flat, as hard as possible surface. It is desirable that it is located directly at hand level. Even if an adult massage is performed, it should be as careful as possible. If a person feels discomfort during a massage session, this indicates that the effect is very intense. It is better to refuse from such a procedure.

The duration of manipulations may be different, which is determined individually for each client. Basically, the procedure takes from 15 to 60 minutes. An entire course can consist of 10-20 procedures, which is selected individually for each person. It is recommended to perform such a course at least once a year.

Massage technique for poor posture 

A massage system aimed at improving posture consists of certain manipulations affecting specific muscle groups. Here the master should take into account the fact that with poor posture, the back muscles are very stretched, the abdominal muscles are relaxed, and in the upper part of the chest, on the contrary, they are in a tense state. The first sessions should be aimed at relaxing the neck and back muscles, so the effect should be stroking and soft. After this, you can begin to increase muscle tone. Such a manipulation is accompanied by more intensive procedures. When stooping, the following massage types are often used:

Such manual massages will be quite effective when you need to cope with stoop, and the age of the person does not matter. Additionally, you can consider the aromatherapy massage: the benefits of essential oils have a positive effect on the general condition of the body.