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Oil facial massage: intensive hydration, rejuvenation, aromatherapy

Cosmetological procedures can be not only useful, but also pleasant. Facial oil massage is a massage technique that effectively treats the first signs of aging, problem skin and, as a bonus, acts as an aromatherapy.

Peculiarities for facial oil massage

During a face massage with oil, a base product is used - natural oil. The essential oil can be used as an additive. The mixture of both components penetrates deeply into the layers of the epithelium and has a powerful cosmetic effect:

  1. saturates aging skin with useful microelements;
  2. fights inflammatory processes in the dermal plane;
  3. eliminates the manifestation of acne, suppuration, blockages;
  4. cleans pores, has a disinfectant effect;
  5. works out facial muscles;
  6. improves skin tone and elasticity;
  7. smoothes mimic wrinkles;
  8. fights the signs of rosacea.

It is recommended to start the procedure at the age of 25. Just like hygienic facial massage, oil facial massage acts as a prophylactic agent in the fight against age-related deformation of the skin.

Indications for oil facial massage

Facial massage with oil is good for the following cases:

  1. deep and mimic wrinkles;
  2. fuzzy oval;
  3. dull skin color due to poor circulation;
  4. headache;
  5. excessive dryness of the epithelium;
  6. increased sebum secretion;
  7. frequent rashes, acne, blackheads;
  8. enlarged pores;
  9. psycho-emotional stress;
  10. sensitive skin.

Contraindications to oil facial massage

If you do not take into account the main contraindications to face massage with oil, you can make things worse, further aggravate the problem situation.

It is not recommended to do oil facial massage if the following factors are present:

  1. external damage to the epithelium (open wounds, burns, frostbite);
  2. allergic rash;
  3. hypertension;
  4. increased body temperature;
  5. malignant neoplasms (oncology);
  6. skin inflammation in the suppuration stage;
  7. psychological disorders;
  8. infectious and viral diseases;
  9. excessively oily skin;
  10. dermatitis.

Facial oil massage at home

Facial oil massage is a good way to relax and take care of your skin at home.

The procedure requires preparation. Before the session, it is important to intensively cleanse the skin, it is advisable to make a steam bath for better opening of the pores, scrub the surface.

Then prepare a massage agent - mix the base and essential oils. Oil massage is best done while lying down.

Facial oil massage technique

Before starting the oil massage of the face, you need to warm the oil in your palms.

The procedure itself is performed with light, smooth manipulations, moving from the facial center to the sides in the direction of the massage lines. All movements should be long and smooth, each manipulation should be repeated 5-10 times.

Special emphasis should be placed on problem areas:

  1. from the middle of the chin to the auricles;
  2. from the corners of the mouth to the center of the ears;
  3. from the center of the nose to the wings;
  4. from the wings of the nose to the temples along the line of the cheekbones;
  5. from the middle of the forehead to the sides and up;
  6. the area around the eyes: from the outer corner to the inner corner and vice versa, working out the upper and lower eyelids;
  7. in the center of the neck - from bottom to top;
  8. on the sides of the neck - from top to bottom.

After completing the oil massage on your face, remove the remaining massage mixture with paper towels. You can wash your face in an hour. Then, moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.

How to choose oil for facial massage with oil

For oil massage of the face, it is recommended to use as a base oil:

  1. olive - moisturizes, nourishes the epithelium, increases elasticity;
  2. sesame - removes toxins, harmful substances, radionuclides;
  3. almond - strengthens the muscle frame, makes the skin radiant;
  4. jojoba - relieves inflammation;
  5. grape seed - intensely nourishes, has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Additionally, essential oils are selected and based on the desired effect of the procedure and skin type:

  1. dry skin (moisturizing, accelerating metabolism) - jasmine, chamomile, geranium, rosewood, orange;
  2. oily and combination skin (matting and cleansing) - ylang-ylang, mint, bergamot, lavender, rosemary, grapefruit;
  3. normal and sensitive skin (restoration, removal of inflammation, saturation of tissues with oxygen) - lemon, lavender, rose, juniper, geranium, tea tree.

To prepare a massage mixture, you need to mix 10-15 ml of base oil with 4-6 drops of essential oil. In addition, to enhance the cosmetic effect, you can add vitamins in liquid form (A, C, E), 1-2 drops are enough.

How often to do face oil massage

A full course of oil facial massage is 15 - 20 sessions. The frequency of procedures is no more than 2 times a week.

In addition, oils can be used in daily care - add 1 - 2 drops to a night cream. Beforehand, it is important to choose the right component for a specific skin type. To do this, you need to consult a cosmetologist, dermatologist.