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Vibrating facial massage: benefits and other…

Modern cosmetology is rich in a variety of procedures that help keep skin healthy, youthful and radiant.

Massage techniques come to rescue in the fight against the first signs of aging.

Facial vibromassage is a type of hardware massage in which tissues are stimulated by vibration pulses. Impact on the deep layers of the epithelium, activation of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve the tone of muscle fibers, increase skin elasticity.

The benefits of vibrating facial massage

The vibration technique has a powerful anti-aging effect. Similar to the myostructural massage of the face, it increases the elasticity of muscle fibers, slows down muscle atrophy.

After 2-3 procedures, the anti-age effect becomes noticeable, as after a rejuvenating facial massage.

Useful advantages of vibration technology:

  1. improves metabolism in tissues;
  2. slags and toxins are removed;
  3. the natural production of hyaluronic acid, BA components, collagen are stimulated;
  4. improves blood supply to the skin, reduces swelling;
  5. the tone of the facial muscles increases, due to this, elasticity increases, the skin becomes less susceptible to the negative effects of the environment;
  6. accelerated cell regeneration occurs in damaged areas of the epidermis (after surgery, post-acne, scars);
  7. increased susceptibility to nerve impulses;
  8. the contour is tightened, visible wrinkles are reduced;
  9. the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  10. the face colour improves.

Contraindications to facial vibromassage

Despite all benefits, the procedure can be harmful if you do not first get acquainted with the main contraindications:

  1. rashes in the stage of inflammation, suppuration;
  2. infectious and viral diseases;
  3. rosacea;
  4. pregnancy, lactation period;
  5. varicose veins, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis;
  6. hypertension, hypotension;
  7. hypersensitive skin;
  8. oncology;
  9. increased body temperature;
  10. blood diseases.

Acne and other rashes in the initial stage of manifestation are not contraindications to the procedure, on the contrary - vibration impulses normalize the oily skin, relieve inflammation, and promote accelerated tissue recovery by increasing blood flow to problem areas.

Types of face vibration devices

There are a sufficient number of vibration massager devices. For the face, hand-type massagers are used, other models are used to work out the whole body.

Varieties of devices for vibrating face:

  1. laser - fights mimic wrinkles, tightens the face contour;
  2. oxygen - saturates tissues with oxygen, speeds up metabolism, improves blood supply to the dermis;
  3. ionic - due to the effect of negatively charged ions, it removes toxins, harmful components from the epithelium;
  4. ultrasonic - "trains" muscles, has a visible lifting effect;
  5. vacuum - deeply cleanses the pores from excess sebum, normalizes sebum secretion, improves skin tone (contraindicated in the presence of pustules, rosacea, open wounds);
  6. roller - the most popular type, it can be made of natural wood, stone, metal, plastic; a set of rollers improves blood circulation, lymph drainage, activates metabolic processes;
  7. infrared - designed to work out the area around the eyes, reduce expression and deep wrinkles;
  8. combined - combines ultrasound and infrared radiation, enhances the penetration of nutrients from care products.

Vibrating face massage at home

It is convenient to use a vibrating massager at home. Before you independently carry out vibration massage of your face, it is important to read the instructions for using the device.

To achieve good results from the procedure, you must take into account some of the nuances:

  1. thoroughly cleanse the skin from makeup;
  2. steam your face - make a steam bath (herbal, with essential oils);
  3. moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream, wait 2 - 4 minutes, remove the residue with a napkin;
  4. carry out manipulations strictly along the massage lines upward;
  5. the duration of the massage varies from 15 to 30 minutes, no more;
  6. after the session, wipe the skin with moisturizing milk, you can apply a light serum, fluid.

Losing weight is a pleasant bonus after vibration of the face and body

Vibration impulses stimulate fat burning processes in tissues. If you do vibration massage of the face and body regularly throughout the year, you can get rid of the extra 10-15 kg.

Of course, do not forget about a balanced diet and physical activity - they will complement the process of losing weight and preserve the slimming effect for a long time.