Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Why is cryomassage of the face useful?

Cryomassage is an effective anti-aging treatment that combines the benefits of massage and the effects of cold on the skin. Low temperatures have been used since ancient times in cosmetology to achieve anti-inflammatory and tonic effects. Cryomassage of the face allows dealing with many aesthetic skin defects and is considered a universal, safe procedure. It is important to take a complete course of procedures to achieve a visible positive result.

The essence of the method

Many clients of beauty salons ask: what is cryomassage of the face? The procedure is performed using liquid nitrogen, having a temperature of -196 degrees. A special massage applicator is immersed in cold nitrogen, and then the cosmetologist moves it along the massage lines. No special preparation is required: first, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, toned and then a cosmetologist starts massaging.

Cosmetological cryomassage is used not only for the face. If a woman has cellulite, massage is performed in problem areas, and in case of hair loss, head massage is done. Liquid nitrogen is also used in cosmetology clinics to remove various benign neoplasms (warts, papillomas, moles). It is important to ensure that the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist who can accurately calculate the required duration of exposure to cold on the skin.


Nitrogen facial massage is recommended to people with the following indications:

A course of cryomassage combined with well-chosen home care will allow getting rid of the above problems quickly.


Face cryoprocedure is contraindicated in the following cases:

If you have contraindications to cryomassage, the specialist will find an alternative method of facial skincare for you.

Benefits of liquid nitrogen facial massage

The procedure has a positive effect on the skin condition and the face as a whole. In addition, the following results are observed after a procedure of cryomassage:

Another advantage of the nitrogen facial massage is that it combines well with other treatments, such as the Japanese Asahi technique. The cosmetologist will find you comprehensive help for rejuvenation, acne elimination, other skin problems and will explain how often to do Asahi facial massage at home.

The session lasts up to 15-20 minutes, during which there may be slight discomfort and tingling, which is due to the exposure to cold. It is recommended to take cryomassage courses of 10-15 procedures at intervals of 2-3 days. To maintain the effect, it is advisable to repeat the course every six months.