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3D Massage: What Kind of Procedure Is It

3D facial modeling is a massage with a unique technique that promotes rejuvenation through the deep processing of muscle fibers. This method helps with general rejuvenation, being very different from what was known earlier. 3D lifting face massage is the new era in the cosmetology industry. The results are really impressive. The method is also known as French 3D simulation massage. The name has appeared because the masseur becomes a sort of a sculptor of the new face oval during the procedure.

3D Facial Massage: Nature of the Procedure

As a rule, the session lasts for an hour. Besides, it’s better to take a course (a minimum of 8 procedures) for more efficiency. The procedure should be performed every week. The result is immediately noticeable if a professional massages your face.

A muscle memory appears after the whole course, making a face look younger and tout. The course should be repeated every six months. Besides, a monthly supporting session is also crucial. The method is relevant for people after their 25.

The lifting effect provided by the 3D face massage is based on the activation of insufficiently working muscles. In the end, a more explicit muscle frame of the face oval is forming, allowing you to forget about slackening skin. The method classified as therapeutic cosmetology also greatly improves microcirculation and speeds up exchange processes. Such impact contributes to elastin and collagen development in the body, which eventually improves the dermis tone.

In addition, positive effects on the nervous and lymphatic systems of the organism are noticeable. As a result, blood is flowing, and more oxygen and minerals are coming into the dermis.

This technique is contraindicated in physical skin injuries, multiple moles, acne, hypertension, and cuperosis. It is not allowed during viral diseases and infectious inflammatory processes. Pregnant women and nursing mothers have to delay the procedure. Epilepsy is another contraindication.

A preliminary consultation is important before any massage, for example, ask if it is possible to do a massage for scoliosis?

Results of 3D Facial Massage

Each person should visit 3D massage sessions to relax the body and have rest. Which results are expectable?

In addition, 3D facial massage can relieve insomnia and help solve neurotic problems.

No hardware treatments and massagers altogether provide such results since they cannot replace the keen hands of talented and experienced masseurs.