Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Herbal Bag Massage: What is This?

Herbal bag massage is a type of Thai massage. The procedure positively affects the whole body. It’s coupled with aromatherapy and some yoga elements, warming up biologically active points. One can cope with this task at home or apply to a specialist. Those who don't understand the process's peculiarities in-depth should trust the professional that knows nuance to guarantee positive results.

This technique is a spot massage. However, you use specially designed bags filled with herbs instead of fingers or hands. It’s necessary to heat these bags to a particular temperature before the procedure.

It’s crucial to pick up herbs according to the desired effect. Note that the bags are not reusable. If you apply to a professional, the latter will evaluate and consider your body condition, considering your current diseases. In this way, an expert finds the best suitable plant collection.

Herbal Bag Massage: Benefits and Contraindications

While massaging with herbal sacks, the benefits to the body are invaluable. The procedure match people with nervous disorders, constant stress, near-collapse conditions. Hot herbs produce essential oils during massage. The skin absorbs them, contributing to relaxation and pacification. The massage ensures positive impacts on the following body's system:

However, the procedure has contraindications that are crucial to avoid the situation’s aggravation. The contraindications look as follows: 

These problems require consulting the treating physicians. No one would recommend massaging without his or her approval. 

Herbal Bag Massage Techniques

Herbal bag massage techniques include not only basic but also preparatory procedures. The body should be completely relaxed and rested. It’s necessary to heat the herbal bags to a particular temperature approximately a half-hour before the procedure. Consider the following stages:

Special water baths or steam are necessary to prepare the bags. The key point is to shake the bags in your hands. The specialist provides fast contact with the skin, making short movements while using the bags. If you cool them down, you can move on to slower procedures.

The master treats the limbs first during the massage. This approach reduces residual stress in the muscles. Then, the professional goes to the back, working with the smallest areas. The belly and chest massage is the final stage.

Herbal Bags for Massage: How to Choose the Right Plant Collection

You can make herbal massage bags with your hands. Natural fabrics (flax or cotton) are suitable. Place the plant collection inside the bag, tie a knot, and make it somewhat like a handle.

The selection of herbs in terms of their properties is crucial:

Sage, rosemary, lavender, mint, lime, orange, asphalt, and eucalyptus leaves are also suitable. Camphor, cinnamon, essential needle oils, and grapefruit are equally popular. In massage parlors, a professional approves the set of plants. While choose the herbs and essential oils independently, take those that fit your case.