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Sauna for weight loss: myth or reality

Losing weight is a desire of most women, but some men also set the goal of losing excess weight. To achieve and maintain balance, an integrated approach is important; it consists of physical exercises, proper nutrition, and visiting the sauna. Is losing weight by visiting a sauna possible? Yes, it is. After all, a simple relaxation due to temperature changes can help get rid of extra kilograms faster than grueling workouts in gyms.

So, is it possible to lose weight using a sauna? According to the rules of thermoregulation, the human body is compared with a small stove, where the process of burning calories obtained from food takes place, while the body releases heat into the environment with a lower temperature. In the steam room, the temperature indicators are very high, which contributes to additional warming of the body. Thus, the sweating mechanism is triggered.

Sauna: Benefits for Weight Loss

The steam room causes great stress to the body, which forces it to activate its own cooling mode. This leads to intensive work of all organs, increased hemodynamics. Sweating occurs, which removes harmful substances through the pores, and thus the skin is cleansed. The body begins to work at full strength, burning calories.

Sauna for weight loss is one of the good ways to keep the body in good shape effectively for a long time because popular express diets give results for a short period. Most nutritionists and athletes include the procedure in their programs, and this is a reason to think about whether it is possible to lose weight in a sauna. According to reviews, one sauna visit can take up to 2 kg of weight. Of course, it will be water, but along with it, salts also leave the body; they retain fluid in the body, which means that they interfere with normal weight loss.

However, before you plan to lose weight in the sauna, you need to consult a doctor. If you have a certain kind of diseases and other features of the body, the steam room cannot be visited. For example, a sauna for hypertension of the last stages is not recommended.

How to Use a Steam Room to Lose Weight

Today, beauty spas offer a sufficient number of types of steam rooms: dry, wet, infrared. They all differ from each other in the principles of work, but they have the same effect on the body. So, what to do in the sauna to lose weight:

visit regularly to prevent the body from relaxing;

do not overuse the time spent in the steam room and give the body rest breaks;

drink a sufficient amount of non-carbonated liquid, exclude alcoholic beverages;

eat a few hours before the procedure;

observe the temperature contrast;

supplement the procedure with a massage.

Now everyone who wants to get in shape will know how to use the sauna to lose weight. If you do not have contraindications, going to the sauna can become a healthy habit. You will not only know how to lose weight quickly in the sauna, but you will also notice an improvement of the condition of the skin, find peace of mind, and increase immunity.

Lose Weight in the Sauna and Enhance the Body Condition

Except losing weight in the sauna, there are other advantages:

comfortable rest;

strengthening of hemodynamics;

activation of the immune system;

removal of toxins and harmful substances.

Spending too much time in a steam room to lose weight is strictly prohibited, otherwise dehydration may occur, and the procedure will only harm your health. It is better to stay in the sauna for no more than 20 minutes per visit.