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Facial massage with spoons is a universal remedy for wrinkles for all types of skin

In pursuit of beauty and youth, women resort to all sorts of methods of rejuvenation, sometimes very peculiar at first side.

Facial massage with spoons is a procedure aimed at smoothing out fine wrinkles, working out deep ones, incredibly popular among the fair sex.

The pioneer of this unusual technique was the German cosmetologist Rene Koch, who was confident that it was possible to achieve a rejuvenating effect without resorting to plastic surgery.

Peculiarity of facial massage with spoons

The procedure involves the impact of a spoon along the massage lines. It helps to improve tissue circulation, lymph drainage, active absorption of nutrients from care products, and the development of facial muscles.

During the session, spoons of different temperatures are used, such manipulations tone up small vessels, improve the conductivity of nerve fibers.

It is best to use silver devices that have antiseptic and antioxidant properties.

Effect of facial massage with spoons

Facial massage with spoons is an effective technique in the fight against the first manifestations of age-related changes. The procedure eliminates puffiness, smoothes fine wrinkles, making deep ones less noticeable. After regular sessions, the oval is tightened, the contour becomes more expressive and clear.

The first results become visible after 6-8 sessions. It is recommended to start facial massage with spoons after 20 years to prevent premature aging of the skin.

Also, the procedure affects the state of the nervous system. Pleasant massage movements relax, relieve emotional stress, and help cope with headaches.

Contraindications to facial massage with spoons

Despite the high efficiency of this unusual technique, there are a number of contraindications:

  1. diseases of the nasopharynx;
  2. inflammation of the lymphatic system;
  3. acne, eruptions in the stage of suppuration;
  4. rosacea, vascular networks;
  5. increased body temperature;
  6. high blood pressure;
  7. neoplasms (oncology);
  8. skin damage (open wounds, burns, frostbite, dermatitis);
  9. allergic rash;
  10. postoperative sutures, scars.

Types of facial massage with spoons

There are several types of massage techniques, the correct implementation of which will provide an indicative result in a short time.

  1. Cold technique. It implies the use of cold water, a couple of spoons and warm vegetable oil (olive, coconut, almond, shea, etc.). You can add pre-made ice cubes to keep the water at the right temperature.
  2. Hot technique. As in the cold method, purified water (only already warm), natural vegetable oil and one large spoon (preferably made of silver to prevent oxidation) is used.
  3. The combined technique includes cold and hot methods. Alternating manipulations are performed to achieve a contrasting effect. Lowering the temperature tones the facial muscles, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Facial massage with spoons at home

Facial massage with spoons is an unusual but effective method of rejuvenation. In the hands of an experienced craftsman, ordinary spoons turn into magic anti-age tools.

It is also advisable to carry out the procedure yourself at home.

It requires:

  1. Prepare spoons for the combined technique - pre-cool and heat.
  2. Apply a cold spoon to the bridge of the nose, with light pressing movements, draw it along the forehead to the hairline. Then repeat the same manipulations with a hot spoon. It is enough to do it 4 - 5 times.
  3. Lubricate the tools with natural oil. Make 3 circular movements in the temple area, then, using pressure, pull the spoons up. Do 4 times, first with warm, then cold spoons.
  4. Place the spoons under the wings of your nose with your lips extended forward. Carry out 3 circular movements in the nose area, go down to the corners of the lips and repeat the manipulations, return upstairs. Start with warm spoons, then work on with cold ones.
  5. Press down on the chin area with warm spoons. Using intense pressure, stretch along the jawline to the ears and back. Repeat the same movements in waves. Make 3 sets of these manipulations. We pass to cold spoons.
  6. Complete the procedure by working out the neck area - sliding movements along the central zone from bottom to top.