Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Thai massage for children

Traditional Thai massage is recommended not only for adults, but also for children of 6 to 15 years old. At this age the human skeleton is formed, and a healthy spine is very important. Teach your children to take care of their bodies from their childhood and in the future they will be grateful to you.

The effect of the procedure:

 It helps to bring the body into a state of both deep relaxation and an intensive boost of vitality, while significantly increasing the tone of blood vessels and increasing joint mobility. It replaces workout in the gym. Many clients after this massage say that they have become a little taller due to stretching at the end.

Procedure cost:
couples massage

30-minute procedures are not an independent service. Go as an additional option to the main ones.

Your child lives at a quick pace of the modern world. Certainly, after school your little one rushes to all kinds of after school activities: to play sports, to learn arts, to study a foreign language, to attend classes on photo and graphic design, to venture into music or haute cuisine, to master in computer programming or some kind of exotic hobby. In addition to the mentioned above, the time our children spend in front of their computers gives a very heavy load!

Give your child effective 40 minutes of relaxation and privacy. Thai Massage for your child is not a fad, it is the expression of love and care about the health of your precious one. This way you will build up a good habit of healthy life style.

  1. For who? For children from 5 to 14 years old.
  2. How long? 40 minutes.
  3. What kind of massage? On the floor, in a special outfit, using aroma essential oils.
  4. Price? 30% discount from the standard price of massage.

Massage itself takes less than one hour, but the effect lasts for days.

All you have to do is to order massage! Simply dial . We will call you back and find for you the most convenient time for the procedure. We wish you good health!

frequently asked questions

What is a childrens Thai massage?

Thai childrens massage is a gentle and delicate procedure adapted for children. It helps to improve blood circulation, relieve tension and promotes general relaxation.

From what age is it possible to give childrens Thai massage?

Childrens Thai massage is recommended from the age of 5, but you should always consult with your pediatrician before starting the treatments.

Can childrens Thai massage be performed for chronic diseases?

Yes, but only after consulting with a pediatrician who will assess the possible risks and make recommendations for the procedure.

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