Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Massage with a bamboo stick (lymphatic drainage)

We will introduce you to an exclusive massage technique with bamboo sticks. For this procedure bamboo sticks of different diameters are used. With their help the master reaches the maximum outflow of lymph. This massage has a very good anti-cellulite effect. We recommend taking a course of 3-5 procedures with a frequency of 3-4 days. It helps especially those whose lifestyle is passive, who spend most of their day in the office or in a car. This wonderful lymphatic drainage massage will help to get rid of stagnant processes in the body and remove excess fluid from it.

Effect of the procedure:

Accelerates blood circulation, increases venous outflow, as a result of this, the nutrition of tissues and cells improves, metabolic processes increase, and toxins are removed from the body. Bamboo massage has no restrictions, it is recommended to everyone. It is also good to do several sessions of this massage for those who have recently taken antibiotics, as it is a good detox procedure.

Procedure cost:
couples massage

30-minute procedures are not an independent service. Go as an additional option to the main ones.

Bamboo Massage - a real godsend for those who love spa-exotics and effective massage. This special kind of massage is implemented by using bamboo sticks of different diameters.

The inhabitants of the island of Mauritius were the first to use massage with bamboo sticks combining the healing traditions of peoples of Indochina, Africa and Europe. Bamboo has long been considered a symbol of long life. Because it’s flexible but durable, it serves as an effective means of massage and is a good tool for improving the health, both the physically and emotionally. In addition, the Bamboo Massage provides lymphatic drainage, helps with cellulite perfectly, and is as effective as the Thai Slim Massage. Also, this massage clears the body of toxins and excess fluid, tightens the skin, making it supple. This massage can be also considered as a means of figure correction. So, if you want to get healthy and recover, as well as add harmony to your figure, Bamboo Massage should the first on your list.


The massage is performed on a massage couch, where the Master therapist uses different aroma oils of cypress, sesame seeds, and almonds, massaging the entire body with these oils, with emphasis on muscle tissue. Next, the therapist works with bamboo sticks on problem areas: abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, lower back, moving sticks in a way similar to using a rolling pin.


Bamboo Massage will be most effective and beneficial, if combined with anti-cellulite cream or gel. The healing effect of the Bamboo Massage can be fixed by wraps and scrubs. Also, Thai Massage would be a nice and pleasant addition.


Bamboo massage is as recognized as a procedure for improvement of one’s overall health. Notable positive effects of massage include:


Despite the undoubted benefits of Bamboo Massage, there are some contraindications:

The procedure in not recommended during menstruation or pregnancy.

frequently asked questions

What techniques are used in bamboo stick massage?

In this type of massage, the massage therapist uses bamboo sticks to perform a series of massage strokes, including rolling, sliding, and tapping on different parts of the body, which allows for deeper effects.

Are there any contraindications for bamboo stick massage?

Massage with bamboo sticks is not recommended in the presence of acute inflammatory processes, active skin diseases, varicose veins, or during pregnancy without prior consultation with a doctor.

How to prepare for bamboo stick massage?

Before the massage, it is recommended to take a warm shower so that the muscles are relaxed and more receptive to the massage. Try to avoid eating an hour before the session and come in a state of complete calm.

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