Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Touch of Siam (foot + antistress)

(back massage 1 hour and foot massage 1 hour)

A complex of massages for those who want to solve immediately two problems: to remove pain in the back and legs. We recommend trying this procedure for those who are actively involved in sports. These massages will relieve muscle tension and swelling, remove lactic acid from them. We also recommend this complex after a long flight: it will help restore the physiological position of the spine, remove swelling of the legs and cause joint mobility.

Effect of the procedure: it brings relief for back pain, insomnia, osteochondrosis, allows you to get rid of excess body fat, adhesions in the shoulder blades and shoulders. Helps to remove tiredness and swelling of the legs.

Procedure cost:
couples massage
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Interesting combination of antistress and foot massage can help you and your body not only to enjoy this wonderful procedure, but also to improve your health.

We can talk a lot about the benefits of  foot massage  because our feet have about 72 million active spots, which are  a projection of our entire body. The history of  foot massage has its source  in China. This science is more than 3,000 years old.  Chinese discovered that on the surface of the foot reflex points are related to the various internal organs.

Foot massage can be characterized as medical and ,at the same time, fantastic antistress procedure. In addition to the huge health benefits, this massage is an excellent way of removing physical fatigue and stress.

Foot massage is a great way to have healthy  feet. This is a unique method of influence on the entire human body. By stimulating the reflex points on the feet, the massage therapist prevents  some diseases of many organs and body functions.

Foot massage has a stimulating effect: it eases pain, restores strength and improves the mobility of the joints of the foot, as well as improves blood circulation,  restores the function of internal organs.

The second kind of massage is no less useful: antistress massage is called the ambulance for the body and soul.

Muscles of back, neck and shoulders, as a rule, are often exposed to spasm , as a result  we feel bad, have headaches, experience  fatigue, irritability, and, in the end, we sleep badly and are always under stress.

Acupuncture method is used in antistress massage.  Acting on the biologically active spots, the massage therapist properly redistributes the energy flows. This is the best means to relax and relieve stress.

Anti-stress massage consists mainly of the head, neck and back massages. It has positive effect on your health and blood flow in the body, it improves cerebral blood circulation,  headaches and migraines decrease. Massage minimizes the effects of stress, relieves anxiety and gives new vitality to the body. It also improves metabolism and increases the amount of energy. In other words, working  through the vegetative nervous system on the vital organs, the antistress massage  gives back to the body its self-healing properties.

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