Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Rules for visiting the hamam

The demand and popularity of the Turkish bath are known not only to residents of the East but also to Europeans, who are happy to use the service when they come to rest in Turkey or Morocco. However, a person who visits such procedures for the first time may not know what clothes to wear in the hammam.

In the eastern country, hammam bathing is one of the most luxurious in the entire hierarchy of such events. Its origins date back to the times of the Roman and Byzantine empires. Today's beauty centers try to convey all the charms of the captivating atmosphere in the hammam as much as possible so that you can visit the sauna without going abroad.

What Do We Mean by ‘Hammam’?

Hammam is a Turkish bath characterized by its amazing abilities and rituals aimed at improving the body. You not only wash in the steam room but gain complete relaxation during the session. The main purpose of the procedure is to take care of the body and maintain its beauty. The oriental sauna has its specific visiting algorithm, formed by a thousand-year history, like other spa events. By following the basic recommendations, you can achieve the maximum relaxing effect.

Proper Visit to the Hammam: What You Need to Know

Hammams of the East have characteristic differences from the usual Russian or Finnish baths. The classic version consists of several rooms with a certain temperature regime in each. Hammam rooms have their names:

Due to different rooms that maintain their air temperature, the body warms up gradually, without experiencing heavy stress. At the end of the hammam procedure in the spa, you will be offered aromatic teas or mineral water.

It is not recommended to eat before the procedure. If you do not know what to bring with you to the hammam, you can always clarify this information with the RoyaThaiSpa beauty center specialists by phone and sign up for the procedure.

Turkish Hammam: What to Take With You to the Session

Many people who visit the procedure for the first time wonder what you need to take with you to the hammam, how to wash there, or how often you can go there. During the procedure, many different accessories are used, including:

You can also take a bathrobe with you to put on after your session. According to experts, it is not recommended to be in a swimsuit during the procedure because under the influence of high temperatures on the body, it begins to sweat, which protects the skin from overheating. Therefore, people prone to hypertension or those who are overweight can start feeling bad. Before visiting, familiarize yourself with medical recommendations and rules on how to dress in the hammam.