Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Back massage- Anti-stress

Anti-stress massage is a back massage. In a large metropolis this procedure is vital for every person. After all, it is in the upper shoulder girdle that all our negative emotions accumulate, as a result of which the neck muscles are tightened. And if you add here also passive lifestyle and sitting at a computer it becomes clear - everyone needs this massage. Using the acupressure massage technique, the master can work deeply all the muscles of the back. At the end of the procedure the elements of stretching and twisting are used (as manual therapy), which helps to bring the spine into its physiological position. This massage is performed using oil and a special Thai balm.

Effect of the procedure:

It brings relief for back pain, insomnia, osteochondrosis, allows you to get rid of excess body fat, adhesions in the shoulder blades and shoulders. In some cases this massage helps with headaches.

Procedure cost:
couples massage
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30-minute procedures are not an independent service. Go as an additional option to the main ones.

Talking about antistress massage  people often think it is some sort of relaxing procedure when different essential oils are used. In fact, it can be classified as therapeutic massage, as it is very similar to the technique of traditional Thai massage. The main difference is the areas of the body the massage therapist works on. Antistress massage focuses on the upper body: during  the session the master is concentrated on the back, collar area, massaging  head and hands. This massage is recommended for people whose spine is exposed to heavy loads, in other words  those who sit a lot in the office, drive cars, have frequent and long flights, as well as are subjects to stressful situations, have headaches, suffer from degenerative disk disease.

This massage is performed in loose clothing on a special mat, without oil, but Thai balm can be applied.  As in any massage, master first pays attention to the feet, but the main focus of the procedure is on the upper body: the movements are soft, smooth, and careful. The procedure ends with the massage of the head followed by  the stretching of joints.


The results of this massage  impress: improved blood circulation, joint mobility, normalized blood pressure, headaches pass away,  general condition gets improved,  immunity and resistance to stressful situations increase,and, as a result, you go back to healthy sleep.

 Antistress massage, as well as other kinds of massages, has a number of contraindications:

For better results, it is recommended to go through a course of not less than 5 massages.

It can be supplemented with foot massage, facial massage, the SPA for hands.  At the request,  these massages can be performed by the second master at the same time.

frequently asked questions

What techniques are used in anti-stress massage?

In anti-stress massage, stroking, kneading and light acupressure techniques are used to maximize muscle relaxation and mental calm.

What sensations can occur during and after an anti-stress massage?

During an anti-stress massage, clients often feel peaceful and relaxed. After the session, you may feel a sense of lightness, calmness, and improved emotional state.

What long-term effects can be expected from anti-stress massage?

Regular visits to anti-stress massages can help improve overall emotional well-being, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep quality.

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