Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Foot Massage (foot Massage)

Foot massage is the most popular Thai massage. It is an excellent way to bring relaxation and cure many diseases. All biologically active points on the foot are projections of the internal organs of the body. By acting on them, the master gently and effectively brings the work of the whole body in proper order. Massage begins with a salt bath, then a foot massage is performed from the fingertips to the knee joints (special sticks are used), the procedure ends with a massage of the cervical collar and head.

The effect of the procedure:

 It is an excellent tool to enhance the protective functions of the body: helps to remove tiredness and swelling of the legs. Good prevention of transverse flatfoot and such a disease popular among women as halus valgus (bulging of the lateral bone).

Procedure cost:
couples massage
Related services

30-minute procedures are not an independent service. Go as an additional option to the main ones.

Foot Massage is a Thai secret of relaxation and body healing. It is a pleasant and useful procedure suitable for almost everyone. Besides, Thai Foot Massage helps to eliminate swelling and fatigue of feet; it is also a powerful means against the headaches and blood pressure problems. In addition, Thai Foot Massage  improves  sleeping habits: your sleep will be deep and healthful.

Description of Thai Foot


Using fingers and special sticks for feet massage, massage therapist works with bioactive points on the soles of the feet. It is known that the projection of vital organs is located on the feet.

The session begins with washing the feet of the client - a traditional Thai ritual of showing respect for the customer and mutual trust. The master prepares feet for the reflex massage softly touching feet surface. The master works on ligaments of the foot, stretching and kneading it. Then, starting from the toes to the heel and up the shin to the knee, foot massage specialist works with the reflex points of the soles. After that, the master returns to the sliding movements that soothe the feet, and it is the final part of the session.


Thai massage specialists believe that the foot is the "power gate" of the body. And this statement has good reasons, because a lot of receptors are located on the surface of the foot and, as far as we are not the generation of people that walks barefoot, the importance of these receptors is ignored by the majority. But these receptors have been created by nature for a reason, which is to bring harmony into our central nervous system. Feet that are in constant stress can cause first of all discomfort, and later more serious health issues. That’s why, Thai Foot Massage is very beneficial, in fact it helps us to "open up" the foot, and we can confidently step on the path of harmony and wellness.

The healing properties of THAI FOOT MASSAGE

Experts say that the tension of soft tissue zone of the sole is the first warning sign of a particular problem in the organs or body systems. The master of massage can diagnose these problems and then, eliminate them with the help of Thai Foot Massage session. It is proved that regular foot massage:

Even one procedure will make you feel light improvements, but for better results it is recommended to take a course of 8-10 foot massages.


frequently asked questions

How often can I have a foot massage?

The frequency of foot massage depends on individual needs, but it is generally recommended once a week to maintain optimal health and well-being.

What techniques are used during foot massage?

During a foot massage, various techniques are used, including acupressure, stretching, and manipulations aimed at stimulating reflex zones on the feet.

Are there any contraindications for foot massage?

Foot massage is not recommended in the presence of open wounds, fungal diseases of the feet, active inflammatory processes or recurrent foot injuries. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor.

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